So we are the bad guys

Bad guys by ignorance imo. But nonetheless, we are aiding the main villains, so we are an accomplice so to speak. Who are the main villains pulling our strings? The titans.

Change my mind.

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“Weeeee are the ‘bad guys’ my friend. Aaaand weeee’ll keep on fighting till the end.”


There’s been multiple times in WoW history where the player character has inadvertently helped a villain thanks to our tendency to do whatever is asked of us as long as someone has an exclamation mark over their head and offers loot.


We are simple people, if not weak, to the influence of completing a quest. But in this case, would it be too far fetched that with that pattern of helping villains on a small level, turns out to encompass the whole entirety of the warcraft story line?

Which according to Chris Metzen is needing to be “wrapped up” before beginning another “20 years of story telling”.

Depends on your point of view, I suppose.

There’s been relatively few circumstances where we helped anything Titan-aligned against another force. We’ve generally just helped Keepers fight each other or fight off Old Gods (who are openly antagonistic to us). I think us fighting off Primalists and the Incarnates on behalf of the Dragonflights is probably the first time we’ve actually gotten involved in any real disputes with people opposed to just the Titans and not just life in general.

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I’m really not convinced the Titans, or at least not the entire pantheon, are bad guys.

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Ah but each force is representative of its own “element” as it were. Titans are order. So order can be evil if forced upon someone or something.

Which if done at the very beginning would have caused a chain of events where the villains weve currently faced were defending themselves.

I prefer morally grey

Yeah - hence Vyranoth’s gripe with them for doing exactly that.

I don’t think any of them are “good” or “bad”. I think they’re immortal god-like beings to whom mortal lives are either more or less important, depending on their individual outlooks.

Put some clothes on

I have clothes on, Blizzard has just determined that they’re invisible until a later date.

Back when I was farming the Crimson whelpling pet, I went out of my way to visit the Wyrmrest Accord quartermaster to vendor all of my dead baby dragon parts. Guy was within earshot of Alexstrazsa, so she definitely knew what was happening.

Not only did he willingly purchase their little teeth and torn wing webbings, he also price matched other vendors in the area. I’ll bet as soon as I left he’d walk over to Alexstrazsa and the other aspects to show off his new haul of flame sacs. I’d argue that quartermaster is the bad guy. What a freak.

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That’s messed up

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In WoW, I’m a murder hobo who will do anything for a few coins. I have definitely been the bad guy many times.

Have we done anything that aided the titans that wasn’t also necessary for our survival?

What do you mean “We”?

I’m not part of the group of ppl who did all that villainous stuff the horde did

I’m convinced that the Tuskar in Northrend are banished criminals.

Elder Walrus: “Hi. I’m a walrus. We’re the good guys. I promise.”

Player: “Okay.”

Walrus: “There are some guys we don’t like. Their village is up on that hill.”

Player: “Okay.”

Walrus: “So I’ve got this sack right here.”

Player: “I see.”

Walrus: “What you are going to do is take this sack over to their village and fill it with their babies. As many babies as you can steal, just go ahead and stuff them in this sack.”

Player: “Uh, what?”

Walrus: “Sack full of babies. Bring me a sack full of babies. Like, a dozen.”

Player: “Are you sure you don’t want me to just bring back their poop?”

Walrus: “By the way, the guys we don’t like are dog guys, so the babies you’re stuffing in a sack are also puppies.”

Player: “Seriously?”

Walrus: “Yeah. Don’t worry. We’re totally not going to eat the babies. But if you want to come back tomorrow and swipe us another sackful, that would be awesome.”


They aren’t. They do the job they were set to do. That’s it. They are part of the overall machine of the cosmos. They set forth Order just as others set forth Life, Death, Chaos.

It’s never been about right and wrong to them. It’s just who they are and what they do.

This is thinking on a cosmic level, which is something mortals cannot do. So mortals try to comprehend it the only way they know how: pair it down into what they do or don’t like to decide if it’s right or wrong.


Sargeras did nothing wrong :crazy_face: #Free Sargeras :popcorn:

Just like how the antagonists see themselves as a protagonist and not an antagonist.