So we are the bad guys

It’s a common trope in a lot of litterature.

They’re not all bad. They blessed us with the gift of flesh afterall. And their whispers keep reminding me how special and awesome I am.

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crush…kill… destroy
crush…kill… destroy
crush…kill… destroy

We’re the Horde, of course we’re the bad guys. Always were.

OPs probably right which sucks. That degree of plot twist requires good story telling and this ain’t it.

“The good guys were the bad guys n the bad guys were the good guys all along! This is such edgy writing.”

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If you’re doing anything to fight against entropy then you’re the villain. At least on a cosmic scale.

So yeah, the Titans are absolutely the bad guys.

Yep the titans are evil
You can trust me

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I think you’re legally required to grind out Insane after snagging that name.

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It’s on the list dw

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We’re gullible/greedy idiots who will do anything for a payout.

For example, instead of destroying it so he can never come back, one of us handed Kel’thuzad’s phylactery from Naxx to the traitorous Father Inigo Montoy for a reward, who in turn gave it to the Scourge.

All of this “saving Azeroth” schtick is entirely incidental and purchased with piles and piles of corpses, looted strongholds, and grisly trophies sold for cold, hard, cash.

Dragons, of every flight, seem to be all over the place in regards to the sanctity of whelpling life. Likewise, dragon whelplings of every flight seem to be all over the place in regards to sapience and intelligence. Additionally, there are relatively few mature dragons on Azeroth given the enormous numbers of eggs they lay and whelps those eggs produce.

I doubt Blizzard will ever address it directly, especially at this point where the dragons have been reduced to “scaly Equestria as seen through the eyes of the coastal urban monoculture,” but I perceive some sort of highly darwinistic sorting mechanism at play in dragon reproduction. MANY more eggs are laid than whelps born, and many more whelps are born than survive to adulthood. While some dragons and dragonkin show a sort of outrage at destroyed eggs and killed whelps, it’s not the same kind of outrage a human mother would show if you murdered her kids in front of her. It seems kind of detached, as if the outrage isn’t on behalf of the individual lives lost for their own sake, but the lives lost in relation to the health of the overall flight/brood itself. If you murder a human child, the mother will be inconsolable. If you murder 300 of Onyxia’s unborn/newborn children, she will Deep Breath you to remove the threat and get to laying more.

Part of this must be related to dragon development I’m sure. Wrathion was extremely intelligent and conversant as a whelp, and there are other examples of capable and intelligent whelps, but there are also huge numbers of examples of whelps which are basically wild animals. I think that dragon offspring, more than the offspring of most intelligent races on Azeroth, have an extremely broad range of capabilities and potentials.

Whatever the case, dragons are a great example of intelligent creatures who have a somewhat alien mindset compared to other intelligent creatures. Their internal brain mechanisms just don’t operate the same. Compared to, say, humans and dwarves and trolls and orcs who, despite all having different traditional cultures, have brains that work extremely similarly in regards to family, relationships, and morality.

If you didn’t read this in Freddie Mercury’s voice, then we can’t be friends.


Where there is no choice, there should be no dire consequences.

If we are suddenly “the bad guys” because “mwahahah you followed the railroad of our necessarily choiceless narrative,” it would be the lamest thing ever.

That’s not to say it won’t happen, but it’d be supremely bad storytelling. Again.

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And i do whatever gives me the most money or shiniest loot stuffs.

Is that considered order or chaos?

Speak for yourself. My toons have never been the ‘bad guys’ whether they’ve been slaughtering critters, mobs, bosses or opposing faction, crapping out amberseeds, or anything in between. The only time I drew the line was when the Kalu’ak wanted me to kidnap wolvar pups. That was just too out there, even for me. Even if I was allowed to follow my dream and kill those that p*ssed me off, like Yrel, I’d still be one of the good guys. I have no strings to pull, nor a single evil bone in my body. It’s all the others who are evil, especially the ones that call me champion.

You made the vague post. The point is you’re trying to change our minds.

If strapping explosives onto the backs of Vulpera and sending them skittering to my enemies is evil, then I don’t want to be good.

My favorite way this game made fun of that was the amberseeds quest in Grizzly Hills.

Zenn Foulhoof fooling night elves for 20 years

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