So we are at the end of dragon flight: Are we done with the night elves now?

Poor Night Elves, having to be at the center of attention, year after year!

How do you guys bear it? :roll_eyes:

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Yes, now comes the part where the new night elf warlocks rise to power and dominate anyone foolish enough to challenge our superior bounce.

Don’t be jelly.

/continues hugging Big New Beautiful Glorious Tree :deciduous_tree:

Yeah, seem to be moving on to yet more humans next expansion though.

Sure would be nice if we stopped just getting humans and night elves all the time.

Honestly with todays writing? Better them than us.

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hm heres a 10 million dollar question: Do you think, at the end of the day as “artist” and creators the blizzard team sits down look at this rainbow bright, tree hugging, what about the night elves over the last 6 years, dragons do little to nothing but cry about family and friendship do you think after all that blizzard goes:

“w…wow team…that…was truly art” and super proud of what they created? I mean deep down quite Steve in back of the group has to be thinking to his self “yeahhhh that kinda all sucked”

Don’t worry, Midnight is going to be the blood elf expansion XD

I still want the gnome Armageddon over lords to be a thing.

When you look at it, Tyrande and night elves were present of course during all of this but a lot of it was focused on the green dragons actually.

Just so happens they look like night elves. :joy:

I had to deal with a whole xpack of Orcs in dreanor, Yall can suffer too.


Yes you did but again that was the ‘iron horde’ - not part of the horde, orcs yes, but part of our faction? 100% no, they had nothing to do with us and where a common enemy against EVERYONE.

The night elves are a faction, they are alliance and they have no common enemy, the story is - They lost a tree, horde bad, we need to fix tree. that story ran over the course of FIVE YEARS. the iron horde (WOD) lasted not even to the last patch until the legion showed up so, yeah you are right but also wrong.

And again, because I am on an orc you assume as others or it seems you assume I am asking for an Orc expansion or focus? So far from I am saying you have other races with WAY more interesting issues we could be exploring but we do not, its hands down night elves all the way and its a bit all consuming.

(on a more explained note actually) Let me change my comment.

I understand you are sick of night elves and I do get it, but as alliance we have done so much questing and xpack focus specifically around horde leaders, horde themed zones, and dealing with horde issues because time and time again the horde does things that effect both parties and it takes both of us together to fix a issue that wouldn’t exist without who? the horde, the orcs, and the undead.

Did you know there was going to be alot more Dreanei content in wod? A whole raid and a faction city? There was going to be more Ogre content too but it was scrapped.

All the orc themed content? not scrapped. It got to stay and they saved as much as they could.

It was scrapped from the game.

In BFA each horde faction gets a unique mount themed around that faction and even a extra mount from it’s main one. Ally got gryphons from mist with the armor removed and 1 horse in different colors. Our content was scrapped due to their old system where they did hordes content first.

We spent a whole xpack with Thrall in Cata.

This has nothing to do with horde players or yourself, this is not your fault. But as ally we have watched the horde burned down our cities in game and watched our content removed in favor of horde content out of game.

I really think that given the history of lore, and blizzard’s content approach in the past horde players really should be okay with playing with nightelves to help them get a home back from a war crime that never should have happened.

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and at the end of it all as a proud horde member i will always react like this:

stopped reading here and lol’d audibly

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How can the horde be wrote this way and you still take pride in it may I ask?

waiting on midnight personally. im all in more belf and even velf stuff…as long as belves are in there lol

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And yet, at the end of the day;

You did it anyway :wink:

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We heard you players !

Now moving to Midnight, a Blood Elves focused expansion

We are done with elves. For one expansion. But in Midnight it’s gonna be all about elves all the elves. They’re being invaded by the void in quel’thalas and all elves are reunifying meaning Suramar Amirdrassil and Quel’thalas are becoming either a Federation or a single United nation.

Elves are literally the children of Azeroth, made from her blood. She has an interest in them. They are her creation.

The queen is back