So we are at the end of dragon flight: Are we done with the night elves now?

Like can we move on? They been the focus for three expansions crying about there tree. Look, I am not hating on the players of night elves, this is not a personal attack against one on the forums what this is before it gets flagged to the ground is a question:

and the question is ARE WE DONE YET? can we move on and finally focus on other things? And by other things I mean things that do not circle BACK into three expansions worth of night elf heavy my poor tree lore?

Or is somehow ‘what sword’ going to turn into 'ONLY THE TREE CAN PROTECT US!" story somehow?


We literally know what the next 3 expacs are going to be about and who’s involved.
There was no need for this thread other than you to cry about nelves getting attention.


Nah if you think about it, we haven’t had a single night elf-themed expansion like orcs had, even though in all eras of the game that had the most subscription growth (Vanilla, TBC, probably Legion since everyone loved it), there was an elf on the cover of the box

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BFA I got it: we burned the tree, bad horde i feel bad.

Shadow lands: I…get it? revenge against sylvanas , makes sense go get her night warrior: wait that was a flop er ok. But hey! closed out Sylvanas is in the maw and gg she is being punished.

Dragon flight: Age of mortals ending, check, dragons returning to the islands, check, Dracthyr a playable race, check, primal elementaist wanting revenge against titans ok this all seems different and Fast ball out of left field DID YOU FORGET ABOUT THE TREE HMMMMMMMMMMMMM?!?! last patch is all about it you see!

so, the first two I’ll give a pass dragonflight should have had little to do with the tree so the point of points up the joke above is you never know what blizzard is going to throw out you: sure we know what they are about…but do we really because anything can be thrown at us anytime.

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I am not saying it needs to be orc themed: what about some human drama i mean they have a zealous paladin leading them, how about Taurens? Maybe the earth mother is mad at them for some reason, How about gnomes! When is the last time gnomes made an “uh oh” doomsday device they need help with bringing down!

ANY OTHER race or theme is highly welcomed.

A gnome based plot where ironically there dooms day device turns everyone into trees?


We’ve never had a nelf-themed expac the way we had an orc-themed and pandaren-themed one, that’s true, though those are outliers as most expacs don’t have 1 race as a central theme. But they’ve just been half-presented as a side-plot pretty much always (though between vanilla and SL it’s basically been nothing but them taking a beating from various enemies, primarily the Horde).

BFA. King Mechagon made a doomsday device that was going to destroy all organic animal life on Azeroth and replace it with machines, which is why we went to go stop him.


Alliances races finally getting attention after nearly every expack being Horde focused with Thrall literally being the main hero and people complain, I don’t get it.


You missed the part where I said it does not need to be orc/horde themed right? The whole tree story was over done, but whatever we did it, we beat a wanna be deathwing over it and lets move on.

As I said: A gnome themed dooms day device theme will be most welcomed next, yeah I see the King Mechagon post above: but he was not alliance or horde, he was his own thing I am saying if we are going to stay within the faction themed, let another race shine.

This has more to do with the slow pace of wows narrative than too much focus on the tree or whatever. If you think about it, you can sum up the whole store pretty quickly, but because of the slow pace and multiple story lines it feels like forever.

No, not until you have apologised for being a naughty Orc and buy me a Cookies and Cream Ice cream sundae!


I am sorry, I tried to bbq it but the vendor said that was just insane, Hopefully this sates you and your night elf over lords.

off topic god damn though that looks yummy LOL.


Night Elves and Druids in particular always seem to get a little bit extra thrown their way when the content veers in their direction. Someone in house has an affinity for them. I dont necessarily think this is a bad thing.

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All good, now we will be focusing on Dwarves for now on!

I’m unsure what, if any, underling race-centric side story we’ll get in TWW.

But I’m sure that at least by the end of it we’ll get plenty of Blood elf storyline leading into Midnight. And we know Midnight is going to be pretty elf-centric.

I mean I get it from a humor angle, but why do so many people make this spelling error? Is it on purpose?


TWW looks like it could be about stone dwarves which Vanilla WoW fans should be happy about because much of Vanilla was about dwarves, and it also looks like maybe void elves will get screen time which is good because people don’t want to admit it but the world is more interested in elves than anyone else, probably because they are better looking than other people. In fact the original WoW box cover had an elf and a dwarf on it.

Night Elves were neglected for a long time. Draenei had Legion, Humans had Wrath, Gnomes had BFA, Dwarves seem to be getting the War Within, really the only race that hasn’t got an expack where they got a bunch of attention would be Worgen, they softly had Cata but that’s when they were released so doesn’t really count.

The tree was burned as the prelude to SL, so not it hasn’t been three expansions. We’ve spent more than enough time on orcs and trolls to last a lifetime.

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Why u mad about NE stuff. Its like going to italy and complaining cause u see roman stuff. Seem like u forgot Azshara almost controlled the whole of azeroth before breaking it. So of course u gonna see NE remban almost everywhere. You race came from another planet. I think u forgot

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Looking forward to a 5-expansion-long arc focusing on gnomes and reconquering Gnomeragan.

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