log in and got 10 living steel from an expired auction. I haven’t posted living steel in months.
moving this from general discussion because that same living steel disappeared again and I had to make a ticket and they claimed they restored the living steel but when I log into the game I don’t see it.
I think it is the mail box that is not showing all the items in the mailbox and so I guess some of this is expiring because we can’t see to pick it up.
Ok, after a GM resetting that character twice, finally the living steel shows up in my mailbox. I am scared to post it again though…
well I guess it could have been the mail system broken as well. Maybe I didn’t sell those last time and I just forgot about them because they didn’t come back
Sounds more likely. Very few people keep track of their auctions except for high ticket items that stand out. So an expired auction of material can easily slip under the radar.
I know a friend a few days ago randomly got almost a whole inventory of stuff from expired auctions and they didn’t list any of that stuff. It was a buttload of raw materials from SL like 500k worth of stuff.
not going to open a ticket because I got something back I wasn’t expecting, especially considering it might just be the mail system. I was often getting an icon showing I had mail but nothing was there.
You got that mail icon too? I keep getting it on 2 toons done a ui reset everything. If it’s from hung up mail, that would explain it.
Sure it’s just 10 of that item but would anything else be hung up? Like gold from sold auctions things of that sort? The blank mail I’ve been getting for a solid month now.
I don’t know. I post a lot on the weekend and then just a handful during the week, so if something was missing I really wouldn’t know it. But you are correct, it could be gold as well but I haven’t been selling anything high value.
I haven’t posted living steel in a couple of months - you think the ticket would take that long? I just remembered when talking to you I had a legendary base item I wasn’t sure what happened to that I was trying to sell too, maybe that is hung up in the mail.
Oh I’m sure it would be quicker than 2 months I’m just being goofy. I just checked one of my toons and got a buttload of essences that I know for a fact that I sold. That was on one of the toons that kept getting the mailbox icon and no mail.
Idk something weirdo is going on. I may submit a ticket about it myself asking about these essences because these essences I definitely sold.
Edit: quite possibly. I would double check your inventory and go from there. I don’t dabble in leggo items just playing stonks with items and breaking down items into like essences or dust and I sell it all before going and doing another batch.
I’ve seen the mail from the auction house icon on my toons that have never used the AH. Sometimes it just goes away when I open a mailbox to verify there is in fact, no mail. Mostly I ignore it, but definitely have some bug going around there.
I’ve had characters that posted stuff, then days later saw the mail icon. Mousing over the minimap icon said they had mail from the AH. But there was no mail.