So was that checkmate?

I actually don’t know about his performance in deserts. But I do know both those zones are able to use the toy to turn on horde. So I’ll do crossroads. See u guys there

Bad players have been around since vanilla also. your point?

Well he is demanding voldun or uldum. I said crossroads. He needs a desert I guess so I said tanaris. He thinks it’s a forfeit or whatever lol. I’m getting on now. If u want the duel let me know

He wants insurance. It’s not much effort to go to Duro or Tanaris when you can portal there.

Who knows who’s even going to WPvP when SL hits. It’s not going to be worthwhile without incentives for a lot of people. So enjoy WPvP as is while it lasts…

Duel is done. He won

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That you’re complaining about pointless things.

dang I missed it. :cry::sob:

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Ovidiu ur next – ill be looking

You won’t find him solo in the world. If it wasn’t apparent enough, he doesn’t do WPvP solo. Very evident since you only see him with other RUIN members in a raid. If that wasn’t bad enough he plays Blood DK in WPvP.

It’s the ultimate, “Im scared to fight without a raid” package.


Was decent duels. The first one I messed up and didn’t have my right trinks on. But we did a few after and he got me. We’re better fights though.


Now duels are different than open-world 1v1’s. Duels are too clean and not as psychological. I take Paladin as a great example. I would probably never beat a Ret in a duel, but I have many times in play-for-keeps. Sadly, this is because a Ret has to stack the deck, and I’m specifically speaking of a certain Malygosian from Hells Disciples. Instaflagging(because that’s the dirty lowdown carebear tactic) right at melee range after all of his defensive cds are back up. Despite this, we were about tied on W’s and L’s.

Meanwhile, a MM has to be able to do some 250% of a Ret’s HP max and vs. plate armor, when the Paladin only needs to do 130% vs. slightly inferior mail armor. Even though the MM has to do twice the damage work, a MM can, on paper, beat a Ret every time in open-world. It’s actually hilarious when I think about it because a Ret would never have the guts to burst like a MM has to. A MM has to stand still and hardcast(putting himself at a disadvantage) whileas a Ret can bug out, remount, fly to melee range, and spam instants.

Duels are not the best barometer of skill and ability. Not to mention the sheer will to merely survive is a motivator.

Kiteflyer-Elune almost ganked me once in open-world, and he got me before with assists. As far as BM’s go, I’d say he’s the best.

We throwing down challenges?

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Challenges will resume in prepatch when corruption isn’t a thing.

Well considering I haven’t bought Slands yet and no plans too until they show exactly how the vendor is going to work, guess we won’t fight again.

I quit legion and only came back because they made warmode seem like it was going to be templates but everywhere, then they pulled a bait and switch and we got that crap scaling.

Man I was really cranky yesterday. Headache. Work stress. Bad combo.
Think that came out a little in what I wrote.

So looking back I’m going to say, honestly, you were Crown worthy and declare you


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I always enjoy an Ogpapabear thread. He always rustles the right jimmies.


Oh god, you came back for that?

Disgusting. Stat templates were horrible. I would’ve quit if they made stat templates activate everywhere. I don’t like feeling forced to play my spec the way someone else wants me to play it.

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I mean I wasn’t the biggest fan of templates, but if it would have meant being able to play alts I am fine with it.

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I would have much rather they just introduce WoD style PvP vendors again before adding templates into PvP everywhere.

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