So was ret nerfed today or no?

Banter above me:
It’s just a game.
Have a good day.

Ignore them all, it’s funny in these forums we have complained about the mage community, rogue community, warrior community… Always debating which class has the worst.

But after this past month, it is safe to say the Ret community is on a different level.

The lack of game knowledge, general gas lighting, and low level troll accounts is not something I have seen anywhere close to this level of any of the other classes.


Yea, the trolls are going overboard. I see one from this thread already got suspended or banned. Hopefully the others aren’t far behind.

Was talking to a friend whose looking to change his shamans race. We brainstormed draenei for low damp GoTN and was curious how it felt.

I love it, and the WoW Community in general loves Female Draenei. So he’ll deff have a good experience with it. I just recommend finding ways of increasing your health pool to try to min/max it more. And it can also be used on others as well which is something I think some forget. Hope I have been helpful, best of luck to you both!

rallying cry gamers


Why is everyone’s go to, to compare the average player to AWC top level players. Holds 0 value in the conversation

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People want to complain about overtuned or overpowered classes that they say are “crushing the 2.2-2.4k bracket” ok then your arguement of it being a class problem instead of a personal problem is instantly dissolved seeing as awc players are only about 600-800 points away from the bracket they are claiming is such a huge problem.

Also if said players ARE actually 2300+ rating wouldnt it make sense that they should be able to figure out how ret paladin works to beat it?

How can you tell?

Yep, damage too high.

You definitely would as ret.

No it’s the fact they don’t do anything except way too late and way too little.

Yeah you have a lot of experiencing taking L’s

You can look at my quotes. One of the people I quoted had their post removed.

Yep, they’re not paying attention at all, that’s why they’re continually making adjustments based on feedback they’re not listening to.

The very best ret is still losing matches and isn’t always doing the most damage, and definitely not doubling anyone’s damage. It clearly is a skill issue.

Anytime you get doubled on damage, it’s a skill issue. You don’t need to be high rated to recognize this.

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It seems this needs to be continued to be said. If you want to talk about skill, then you need to first have some. I’m more then fine with talking about the game, what went down, why the ret did so much damage, etc. But if your first instinct is to talk about skill or that you think I lack it, it’s really just some weak form of projection.

At the very least, get a few useful achievements under your belt or even some current season experience. Most decent players would usually want to know what happened. Most decent players might be curious what I was playing. You know?

The reality is, ret is still the best melee and still does an incredible amount of top down damage. In short games, it’s easy for them to destroying people in damage.

Like where do you people come from? If I’m bad, than 98-99% of the player base must also be bad and have no skill. Right? It means that 1,000’s of hunter’s and enhances below me are bad. You know? Does that makes sense to you?

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Everyone is bad

Season high 2500 survival in RSS devalueing other opinions.

As a 3k eu RSS ret i am confirming that after latest nerfs, ret is a viable to kill target (esp bad ones). Damage is brought to ok lvl. Everyone who is still hardstuck 1600-2200 is 100% skill issue.

Played 10 shuffles on this one - never met another ret in a team. S tier demos/arms/bm hunters everywhere. Ret hype is dead.

No, 'cause Blizzard doesn’t know how to F*#$^&@ tune classes. They really know how to destroy a season.

Maybe take a second and actually read the thread and my responses. I’m not devaluing other peoples opinions unless they quite literally start with an attack on my ability. I’m more then happy to talk about what happened, what I could have changed, what I see as wrong, etc. Instead, it starts with people saying it’s a skill issue. A couple of the trolls responding in this thread have already been suspended.

Do you get that? Do you get that this forum has been flooded with people defending rets even when they were clearly broken? Do you get that having reasonable discussions about ret has been nearly impossible? Even after multiple nerfs you still have a top tier class?

Ret is still good and it’s now closer to a level that MOST of the specs in the game are. I do hope you keep que’ing though, since you were a 3k ret and all.

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Also whoever thought Ion was a good choice for Game Design Lead for WoW needs to get their head checked. The past 8+ years has been a rinse/repeat of the same old promises followed by huge disappointments. #FireIon

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Well, you have started a topic about further nerfs, mate. As a 16+ ret main i have seen ups and downs. What was in DF is a replica of SL, if you remember divine toll + ringing clarity shenanigans. Same was with decree pre nerfs : sera+wings, FR + Rdecree >>> boom, dead. Then came nerf hammer and spec was dead for a few months. I managed to push elite in 10.0.5 and i was a dummy in every lobby. It was literally a survival games. Healers in high mmr lobbies were even joking about “save the ret” challenges.

I was monitoring ptr with ret community and we saw 500k JV crits. We saw them adding unneeded modifiers such as 2 stacks of dusk and dawn (couldn’t stack pre rework), vanguard of justice (could simply delete this talent). They ignored the feedback and ended up nerfing our survivability and utility with damage altogether just to please the community.

What we have been asking for years is mobility and decent survivability. But now fading light is dead, reprieve barely heals, jv is gutted, FoL is nerfed heavily. So all we do is the same 1 minute bot playstyle : wings + FR >> boom, boom. Not dead? Afk 40 secs, repeat, win.

And from this wednesday till 10.1 ret is indeed weaker (sensable). But recent ptr had buffs to HoW (16%). And i already see a new build being viable with 2 charges of HoW and new set (both 2p and 4p). So more whiny posts inc of RDD paladin killing from 20-30y range in 10.1.