Do share, I haven’t quite cracked the Ret/Warrior code yet.
Most paladins especially with how many nerfs and tuning they’ve gotten since 10.0.7 are still toasters and you can normally very easily seperate the wheat from the chaff. Sure he may have that “Elite Paladin” title, but if he pops shield of Vengeance and divine shield at the same time, chances are he’s just a toaster
definitely seeing some more deviation in the few double ret lobbys I get. One you can definitely tell is carried, and another is actually decent when the end score is like 0-6 and 4-2
I don’t think the Nerfs were enough.
Eh, Maybe for some classes the Nerfs were not enough, But they’ve been tuned down that I can spell reflect HoJ to shattering throw mr toaster and Leap away from his wings without getting 1 shot
in 3s and RSS, I lust the moment they hit wings, and go off as hard as I can. The extra haste lets me heal more, I then wall or ancestral guidance every wings when lust is over. you alternate the anscestral guidance and astral shift for every wings. Im also static fielding through walls and floors into lassos ALOT to isolate one person out of LoS. Will also sometimes use lasso on die by the sword on arms
shut up ,I’ve already been tortured in solo
Hmm, interesting take. Not really sure that fits for my style but I’ll be sure to try it if I can’t figure anything else out. Thanks for the reply!
I do not find myself running out of mana running shamanism and have been able to close games out with it. what playstyle do you like? I also forgot, I also only go for hexes if they are completely free, or if I have a wafting devotion proc and can bait kicks easy with how fast the cast is.
Wrong… It’s simple and you’re seriously over thinking this. When the game is balanced, everything is more fun to play. Whether I’m on my mains or on alts. It’s honestly boring to fight a ret paladin EVERY game. It’s boring to fight a demo lock, r.sham, or even a disc every game.
I don’t want ret gutted, I just want it balanced. The game is fun when arena is diverse. It’s why MoP remains one of the best expansions to date for PvP. Every spec had a comp that had rank 1 potential. Every spec felt like it could contribute. Every game could be something new. That’s fun. That’s what makes arena good.
It’s weird to me that people boil things down to just ‘hunter thinks’ or ‘druid thinks’ when it comes to a post. First, I’m playing SV on my hunter. If you think that SV is in the same style of play as SV or BM, I’m not sure what to tell you. Second, would you rather I post on my Enhance since that’s what I was playing at the time. I play a lot of different specs and my hunter is what I typically post on.
Im still rocking Swellings Waves/Refreshing Waters, trying to stick that through until 10.1 before switching to a different build that involves Chain Healing off Focused Insight. (Burrow will take the place of Swelling Waves) And in matches where I can’t cleave 3 targets for Ride the Lightning to proc Chain Lightning I think I’ll give Shamanism a go, but I wouldn’t do it Re-actively to wings. I would do it for my Partners CDs.
I also Macro AG, Battlemasters, Gift of the Naaru and (as soon as I finish making it 418) Choker of shielding into 1 button to craft another reliable defensive.
I dont find myself needing BM after running focused insight + chain heal. I run insignia instead and feel like I am crushing. Ive had like a 75% win rate since the latest ret nerf doing this into any lobby that isnt triple caster + me. What is your dps rotation/prio? @joocey
Ye old Stormstrike a.k.a. Ole’ Reliable. Legacy of the Frostwitch to reset stacks. and constant frost shocks, I very rarely flame shock atm, next patch I plan to include Lava Lash down into Hailstorm so my Flametongue will actually get value and I can spread flameshocks with dispel protection. But as of right now I really dont use it much, besides to remove spell reflect or kill low hp totems.
when do you crash lightning/ice strike (if you run them). I literally play around resetting my stormstrike if its CD is > 2 seconds.
When SS is off CD, I typically try to ice-strike after my Feral Lunge to slow the target if Frost Shock isn’t already applied.
Didnt AWC literally JUST happen and warrior/ret were getting pub stomped by mage/warlock? Hmmmmm starting to sound more and more like a coping skill issue.
You fail to understand that ret paladin has literally been under literally EVERYONES radar up until blizzard said “we are looking to balance and rework ret pally.” Of course it FEELS broken because if something FEELS that way it must make it true!
How potent is this in low damp
Oh look, another troll to put on ignore.
With my Stam gems + Brimming with life 8% HP + 15% HP with Earth Ele + BM I snap shot to about 600k total Health. Gift of the Naaru can crit but on Average it does 100-130k Healing. With 25% gets duplicated with AG and 5% increased on myself from my Leech.
418 Choker of Shielding with 7 Gems, 8 if you don’t run Onyx Annulet (Primordial Stones do not count as gems), is a 67k Absorb per match assuming you don’t get a 2nd use. Choker of Shielding is reduced by 60% in PvP.
The trick, I am learning is to use it when you are around 60-70% HP as to not get any over healing Gift of the Naaru/AG.
Oh look another crybaby in need of a babysitter to help deal with paladin. Publicly announcing youre putting me on ignore only shows you lack the capability to come up with an intellectual response.
But hey! On a lighter note I hear for the FNAF movie they are looking for someone to play the crying child, you should try out!