So warrior kiting is not only not possible, it is somehow worse now


Doesnt sound like something warriors should be doing anyways

I tried it out last night on classic live and it’s definitely not trivial, so I am backtracking a bit on some of my earlier comments. It’s not “easy”.

Real warrior don’t run away… we die fighting, we eat fighting and we sleep fighting!!!

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Damm… 31… so jelly…

Ummm… what are you talking about? Mobs only “paused” when aggro’d by runners and such, not when you were already engaged and they’re on your face. And the attack range has always been deceptively long in Vanilla and is exacerbated by the size of the mob chasing you, just like how Tauren can hit you from a mile off compared to everyone else.

Sounds like nonsense or lag to me. Also I run off all the time, but some mobs are quicker than others so that also plays a part.

You sure you remember Vanilla and not some p-server nonsense?

Yep. Piercing howl is almost worthless now as well since the range on it is the same as the mobs melee range. Hamstring kiting is almost never worth trying anymore. Is this the result of this leeway stuff I keep hearing about or is that pvp only?

hamstring kiting is 100% worth it. I’ve bought food three times because I take so much less damage using a 3.8 speed weapon and hamstring kiting tougher mobs that first aid is enough.

idk what the complaining is about. just git gud its classic

Sure you can, I strafe left