So walk out basically useless

The might get some tweaks that are already there .

As I said nothing burger


What drives the desire to cheer for a billion dollar corporation to defeat the common worker?


Frivolous actions only hurt the consumer and employees that doesn’t want to get involved in this BS

That is the driving force.


Sticking it to the “woke libs”, most likely? At least from the forum posts today.

I don’t know, I sincerely hope the walk out was a good start in the right direction. There needs to be change, and it has to happen everywhere. Not just internally at companies but with players as well. So…as useless as it might appear, I really do hope there’s change.


for real I wish conservatism still had an ideology so they weren’t just cheering for petty vindictiveness against the people who they’ve decided are against them.

like women.


and the “woke”.

these are the same people that scream about liberty and individual freedoms and then cheer on state violence against citizens.


what parts BS?

the “woke hivemind” who’ve decided they have the right to not get molested at work?


Wanting to go to work and not be hit on by someone you’ve told multiple times that you’re not interested is a frivolous action? Being able to work in a stable environment should be one of if not the top priority of the company you work for.


How are you hurt? Were the servers shut down during the walkout? No? Then quit crying.


for real I wish liberalism still had an ideology so they weren’t just cheering for petty vindictiveness against the people who they’ve decided are against them.

White people


these are the same people that scream for equality and then cheer on racism against white people and call all men trash.


No silly

The Berkley gender studies grad that put a bunch of emotional BS in a legal briefing.

Invoking everything from Gamergate to Metoo did not serve anyone, exaggerating all through the brief did not serve anyone.

Using victims who can’t speak for themselves without their famlies permission didn’t serve anyone.

If the Employees have a beef they should unionize and get actual attorneys that can bring forth issues like a sober adult.

This has been nothing more than tail chaising.


And if the allegations are true? And these people did in fact break the law, and are punished for it? Is it still ‘petty vindictiveness’ at that point, or does the ‘party of law and order’ accept the judgement of the law? Can’t have it both ways.

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The funniest part is the signed letter.

Every third person cut during the inevitable RIFs from Activision Blizzard is going to come from those who signed the letter.

And don’t think that won’t be passed around the industry HR departments.


Hope it was worth it.

I was just using OPs words against him to show him his biases. I have no horse in the race other than the fact that I stand for equality for all. I hope everything at blizzard is brought to light.

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can’t wait for your kind to not exist anymore

And then a retaliation lawsuit gets shoved firmly down their throats.

look up ‘battle of blair mountain’. thats how you do it.

most bad a** labor uprising. i dont think it accomplished much but still, this is how you do it lol.

When some (not all) of what the “common worker” is pushing for is hot garbage. Even then, the company should make their work place a good and safe place (not a safe space) for their employees.

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Liberals aren’t against white people or men. Conservatives decided to misinterpret liberal intentions as that, and then went nuts with their misinterpretation.


Id fire them then move the company to a business friendly state…

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Wait, you support full unionization of the workforce in the US?

That’s hilarious, the idea that a company should be able to directly fire all employees who do not actively support sexual abuse and then move to a state that does not enforce its labor laws to run from the court action.

The focus of the lawsuit is people who lost one heck of a lot of money because blizzard chose to violate employment laws. If they do not stay they will lose the case and be required to pay the maximum penalty.

It is in their best interests to work with the state, not continue to look for more creative ways to abuse workers and violate laws.