So walk out basically useless

Lol ok. I’m neither liberal or conservative and I can clearly see the hate spewing from the liberals. White men specifically have been their target of choice.

More power to them though. Hating someone for their skin color and other outliers they have no control over seems to be the theme of 2021.


Wave that victim card harder, big guy. All laws that do not directly benefit white guys over women and minority are an affront to your birthright.

I don’t need a victim card because I’m white, I have all the “privileges” I need to make up for the fact that I don’t have one. lol


Sure. Keep making that bizarre claim as you blame “libruls” for holding you back and denying you your birthright.

“I’m not a conservative or liberal” ← necessary disclaimer…
“but” ← everything I said before actually isn’t true…
“Liberals are out to get me”.

Keep waving that victim card about how white men are so oppressed. I’m sure Trump will send you a stipend.


Moral grandstanding and virtue signaling.

Do you smell your own BS to?

FYI, I’m a minority and proud conservative, patriot and American, oh no :scream:


Um I’m a man, a liberal, and white does that mean I hate myself. I must cause you said so. :snowflake: Alert

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Takes but a quick google search to prove that is untrue.


The hope that some of the money they make trickles down (possibly) to them.

The selfish desire to wield that power for themselves.

Ultimately yeah… will be useless. Just going in circles.
Wonder if they are finally desperate enough to unionize or if we will be back on this ride again in two months time.

Libertarian grifters convincing them that they are special little boys with their terribly edited YouTube videos.

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Freaking yikes boss. Are you calling sexual harassment frivolous?

This reminds me of a terrible joke I was told by a coworker:

“What do poison dart frogs and liberals have in common? They both utilize bright colors to warn people of their toxic nature”

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I’m liberal and I’m white. I guess I hate myself. :heart:

If you can look at the disgusting photograph in this news article and still claim that this investigation into blizzard is “frivolous” then may god have mercy on your soul. Blizzard needs a massive overhaul.

Hating someone for their skin color? Do you not remember how President Obama was treated? Lmao selective memory at it’s finest.

Ps. The only reason Obama became president was because republicans flipped out at a white guy for taking his wife to a s** club in Europe. That white guy was pressured by conservatives to step down when he was about to be reelected and Obama ended up winning the seat. Conservatives played themselves lol

Yeah, I’ll never understand that…what did white guys ever do to deserve that kind of treatment >.>


It’s cute that you believe that and that they won’t quietly be shod of all these people one way or another.

You can’t call it retaliatory if they are the minority of people included in the RIFs.

Not cute realistic, and retaliatory has a shelf life, and it isn’t that long.

The same people who keep talking about the snowflakes, who just can’t seem to stop whining on the forums. I’ve never seen such a bigger group of babies.