Just makes sense? Pretty sure everyone playing SOD wants this? Why not give it to us?
they have future content planned, will probably take us into tbc
They would release a new season for tbc as sod has lost too many numbers to be healthy enough to transition into tbc.
You have to transition vanilla into TBC. Cant just pop a TBC server out if no where cause no one would play alliance
I don’t, I like the vanilla vibe, SoD is our classic+.
SOD TBC wouldn’t make any sense.
it would probably be more of a tbc plus… alts don’t need attune, etc…
Hello i don’t want tbc sod i want to play ‘wow classic of discovery’ we have better dps than t6 and i want to watch a mini cinematic who keep me attract 20 years more similar to the 2004 one and WC3 compains. That blizzard spirit have to res for a short time and make the phases in sod fun alternative end is way much better than tbc sod, it’s facility and laziness and they gonna visit that world in anniversery no reason to do same in this version.
Yeah, they wouldn’t want this vanilla pop going into tbc though. Would be dead by SSC / tk. Specially with anniversary going into it.
Would need a redone season without the drop off of support 2 phases in. Take lessons learnt from sod.
Maybe they just make a season dedicated to tbc, skip all the vanilla gearing that is going in the bin anyways.
sod tbc would be lame what we need is lvl 60 tbc and wrath content in sod
No way they put that much effort into a season that is about to be left on hiatus.
They would do big changes on a new season to attract more subscribers again.
next season they could just keep building on what they have done. classic+ is expanding the 1-60 experience
also rescaling every rune and talent tree for lvl 70 would be prob more difficult
i hope not. SoD is Classic+. Not TBC+
We already have classic classic, aka aniversery. not sure sods style fights do well in tbc.
i only hope for is that the devs end this season 1 soon and give us a fresh season 2, learn from the mistakes made with improvements in some areas, the trial run is done, lets do it right next time.
better class balancing
more bgs
new content/maps
Season 2 !
Because TBC is bad. When it was live everyone called it a Wrath waiting room and the people that either skipped it or have forgotten how mediocre it is have become annoyingly vocal again
The reason is that TBC’s improvements were basically the same kinds of improvements that SOD attempted to make: rework underperforming classes/specs, more variety of content (not just kill/loot quests everywhere), more things to do between raids, more balanced professions (oh yeah, professions exist).
Why would you need SOD, when you have TBC?
Oh will def play TBC on my fresh server as well, just have zero interest in clearing vanilla content again.
When do you feel like fresh will transfer into TBC though? A year? They will loose quite a few more players in that time I think.
Because it would be a giant mess and a ton of abilities given in tbc are already in the game?
Ngl TBC is amazing though