So um, if your goal was to make all healers just QUIT, good job I guess?

As would I!

TBH I always felt like healing was the least stressful job. Tank is expected to know every pack/mechanic and lead the group. Dps are a dime a dozen and basically are the first on the chopping block for being low performance. Rarely do I get grief by being a healer.


Yeah, but are you going to be the type of dps class who thinks you don’t have to use defensives because you’re not a tank, and thinks you don’t have to use healing pots because you’re not a healer? Everyone is expected to use the tools they have. Nobody expects a healer to pull max damage, but if they have slow periods between damage incidents, it’s not unfair to ask them to press SOMETHING if they have damage buttons available.

I think people get the wrong idea about what’s expected. I main healer and have since vanilla, and nobody is ever looking at my damage logs and telling me I suck because I didn’t hurt the enemy enough. But if they look at my damage logs and see zero attacks at all, that means I’m literally just sitting there doing nothing waiting for a health bar to go down, and that would make me a major drag on the party.

edit: I think of healer dps the way I think of having a good trinket. DPS classes get excited when their BiS on-use trinket drops, and at the end of the run they can see how big a percentage of their total damage it did. But they don’t expect that trinket to carry their dps if they otherwise weren’t doing a good job. They just like that it’s there and it makes the numbers more bigger on the big pull. Dropping a single consecration, and an offensive Divine Toll + Glimmer combo on a pull is like giving the dps a present of a nice on-use trinket, but none of the dps expect me to carry their damage.

Honestly you have made the best decision.

Stopped healing awhile back, changed my Druid to tank. Deleted my Priest entirely to get the name back (Never liked Shadow so no sense in keeping it).

Best thing healers can do to get the point across is stop healing, switch to DPS and relax. Your going to have to fight for spots but once you are in it’s way easier to manage a DPS.


and if there’s slow periods in DPS you’d expect the DPS to heal then too, right?

and yet none of them do, but they don’t get kicked or verbally abused for it, that’s somehow acceptable

do you see how this is unfair?

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:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:
I ran a 5 man a long while ago where one of the bosses just keeps healing himself up over and over. Its literally there to be interrupted, lmao.
They all had interrupts…I know they did because Ive played every class in the game and I know which ones have them and dont.
We watched this guy heal himself back up like 5 times.
Im just curious, as the healer, if theyre even going to bother interrupting…or literally expect me to do it.
Yeah…I finally got tired of waiting and just did it myself.

I wouldnt expect tanks or dps to even know their abilities, let alone use them unless it does some kind of damage lmao


You need to triage heal when dps do that. When they die, then you rez them,
tell them straight up to stop standing in bad things, or you’ll let them die and run back next time.

I have like 10 healers at end game, all specs. I am confused by your statement.

With all due respect my friend I think that everyone should play their class to the best of their ability. Ability being an individual thing and very situational. Most people play Wow to have fun, and relax. There are people who play Wow in an intense frantic demanding way that insist that everyone else must play the way they want them to play.

Wow has over a million players that play in many different ways. Expecting that every player play as if they were a trained dog jumping through hoops is offensive to me.
And totally unnecessary. And let me say this even in the army there isn’t that much

If Im running a class with a heal I can use on others, i certainly will and have.
many times the poor healer has been struggling to keep the tank alive and is dying, so Ill blast the healer with my heals to keep him up.
I dont expect other players to do it though, this entire ‘MMO’ is so self serving/centered its not worth bothering with group content unless you literally have to do it to get something.

Are the servers even up yet to see exactly how the nerfs functionally effect the majority yet?

Firstly, there is (almost) never a slow period of dps, since if the enemy is alive, it’s a dps period. But I absolutely expect a dps to use health pots or healthstones or defensives if they need them.

Some dps do heal themselves, some don’t, some get kicked or verbally abused for not healing themselves, some don’t. It’s not acceptable to verbally abuse someone in this game, and in fact you can report people who verbally abuse you. It is acceptable to kick people from a group if they’re not pulling their weight, and dps who constantly stand in stuff without moving or healing or using defensives often do get kicked, in my experience. The world is unfair, but I feel like your perspective is based on some bad experiences you’ve had personally. Most of our perspectives are based on personal experiences, so that’s expected, but I don’t think playing a dps class will be the remedy you hope it will. There will still be bad experiences as a dps player, and there will still be mean, cruel and thoughtless people who treat you badly.

This is what happened to all my tanks.

Irony is that some would tell you not to do this. As a DPS your heals are not effective and your resources are better served killing the mobs faster…

Before anyone freaks out…some would say this, I have seen this argument used against healers before. I do not support this idea.

I PuG to KSM almost every season, and sometimes to KSH.

I’ve tried to find guilds/groups, over and over and over that are dedicated. But, either the guild invites me and then its next to impossible to get into a M+ group because they’re cliquish, or it falls apart shortly thereafter due to some random drama.

The closest I’ve gotten is joining Casual Friday M+ community which is aboslutely a WONDERFUL community of folks who help and lift each other up, and I have enjoyed doing keys with them when I can.

But yeah, sometimes PuG-ing is just the cards we’re dealt man, not due to lack of trying.

Part of it is 100% on me, though, because I am not a social butterfly who tends to be quiet until I’m comfortable around someone. That makes it hard to form social connections at times. -shrugs- But, that’s a life-long struggle that I’ve dealt with, especially recently learning from a psychiatrist that I am indeed on the spectrum (which makes my life make a lot more sense). Add in the variability of my time to play (since I am a single parent of a now two year old [today!]) and yeah. It’s a recipe for having to almost exclusively PUG if I want to do the content.



“Join a guild” didn’t take long. Works great too when you join a guild that quits halfway through the season and you’re stuck pugging once again. Yup, that definitely solves the issue entirely.


Yes, but given the context of your first post you insinuated that all pugs were bad, and the only way to get a good group is with a guild which is blatantly false. You have many bad players in guilds (healed many of them personally) and you also have great people in the pug world.

If you want to be technical, the creation of GDKP, carries, and boosts have made it impossible to detect weather or not someone really knows their class and the content. IO score, ILVL, ect. can be bought now, and thus anyone willing to spend a few hundred dollars can be AOTC with 2500+ IO score and decked out gear. This is part of the problem you state exists, yet are unaware of of.

As per your prio post “This issue can be solved in its entirety by joining a guild that focuses on M+ and thus will have people who care more about mechanics, or by simply creating your own groups and being more selective of who you allow to join.”

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they can tell me whatever they want but I play for the TEAM…and if I see my healer dying I’ll do what I have to do.
Likely are in the position we’re in to begin with because of those same bad players who would have anything to say about my helping the healer in the first place lol

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Have you considered… finding a guild that stays active through the season? You could also join a Discord dedicated to M+. The options are there.

Oh I did too!

But you’ll have an almost guaranteed better time if you guild-run Mythic+.
I’m already VERY selective of my groups (Quel’Thalas, Ragnaros and Azralon get denied right away) so my groups have an extremely high success rate.

I agree with your sentiment. I was just pointing out that healers really can’t win with the modern WoW community.

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