So uh - why'd this happen? (Druid Travel Form)

The glyph prior to Legion made travel form mountable when it wasn’t originally, the glyph was replaced with the tome in Legion since the glyph was made baseline, and the tome then let druids still use travel form in flyable areas.

If baseline mountable travel form hadn’t worked for you that would definitely be a bug aye, unless there was one of the ‘alternate travel form’ glyphs being used (I believe they restricted those to not be able to, since the Legion travel form with baseline mountable always had a saddle, whereas the other two don’t, besides the possible ‘cat or doe get squished by large races trying to hop on their back’ aspect

That said, having it be an optional choice whether to be ‘mountable or not’ isn’t a bad thing personally

Get the glyph that separates them. Problem solved.

And separated it from flight form.

why can’t we have a tome that lets you use cheetah instead of stag anywhere other than no fly zones

I was unaware of this, I just glyphed travel form to be cheetah so no one could ride me lol

Oddly, my Orca wields a pick axe when mining underwater…how come my passenger can’t default to ‘holding the dorsal fin’ when stag becomes orca?

The pick ax in the fin is unrelated, but funny as a visual and needed to be noted somewhere. :joy:

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I just wish this change would have happened 2 years ago, so many Freehold runs where I tried to click the pig and I hopped on the Druid.

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i would like to know why cheetah form is restricted to no fly zones myself at max lvl.

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It’s silly, but I believe there was a fair amount of complaints with people saying about “mounted without consent”.
They said that people shouldn’t be able to just mount them and they shouldn’t have to go through extra effort (through gylphs) to prevent players from taking advantage of them.

So yeah…ridiculousness.

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:point_up::+1: this is what I was going to point out. There were threads from people complaining about that very issue. One in particular was from a female worgen that regularly posted about it.

I was pretty stoked over this change, honestly. Beats having to pick up a glyph on every druid I’ve made just so people will get off my back.

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After leveling my druid some more, I don’t think this is the case because upon unlocking flight form, if you pick the lunar wing, they can just mount you anyway in travel form. No mount form required. I guess the mindset (if that is the case) is that you have to willingly select the lunar wing from the barber shop and opt into it, but yeah.

Also, I will say it’s nice hitting 30 and automatically being able to taxi people in flight form. It’s nice for when me and the woman level together.

Might be tied to it being available as a barber option.

I didn’t need to change anything other than selecting the form I want at the barber- was able to change to mountable for both Druids I’m actively playing.

i do not understand the restriction of using cheetah form , when i have the glyph of stag and go to the barber shop and change to cheetah travel it should work, or give a cheetah tome.

I assume because separate stage form is now mount form and you can’t mount a cheetah.

It’s a dumb change. Auto travel button screwed a lot of people. We need the choice again.


Maybe they assume if you want to be a mount for flight form, then you want to be a mount for stag form too?

If you’re talking about the same thing Slimm said, I think changing separate stag button into mount form is what screwed that.