So uh - why'd this happen? (Druid Travel Form)

That’s why I said it must be a buggy mess. Because my new druid I had made in Legion wasn’t mountable until I got the tome. I remember all of the annoying “I CAN’T MOUNT YOU” comments from friends. :pensive:

That makes no sense, because they haven’t eliminated the capability, they just made it not default. It’s (apparently) trivial to get the capability back.

I assume they got rid of it because someone somewhere got sick of, perhaps, having some random pink haired Gnome jumping on their back uninvited in random dungeons, raids, and LFR.

Not that I would know anything about that, of course.


Yep. Would be cool if there was the auto travel button, but we still had the individual forms. I think most druids were wanting that as it seemed to cover everyone.

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LOL yeah, we originally asked for the ability to not be baseline, because we didn’t want to be forced into becoming someone else’s Uber. I don’t know why that was changed. But honestly, I’m glad they changed it back. The problem is… I don’t know how to get rid of it now… :thinking:

Its not worthy of a key bind. Just click when you need it. Its probably for the people who were tired of having people jumping on their backs.


By making it a second spell though, they could ban that one in the Maw while still allowing the unmountable version to work there.

I’m not in beta though so I’m not an authority.

No I never got any glyph or tome and people jumping on my back for years.

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I doubt that’s why they did it. Honestly, I think it’s because they don’t want people running around as lowbies carrying others. And many of us didn’t want to be anyone’s Uber.

Don’t know why mine didn’t work that way. Stupid buggy travel form. I get all the weird stuff.

I really wish they had made it so I could freakin’ swim with someone on my back, though. Instead, I still unceremoniously just dump them in the water. :expressionless:

Oh I don’t think that’s why either, but making them separate spells would allow this.

Hope they keeping going because there’s a ton of stuff for druid that needs to be nerfed badly.

I think there was a glyph that made you NOT mountable.

There was a glyph of doe and cheetah that I think if either of those were used it wasn’t mountable, may have been another as well

Dude, you don’t even know what you’re talking about most of the time. LOL I mean, all of your threads screaming about something have been wrong time and time again.

Other way around. :slight_smile:


Was changed into this…

Both did the same thing.

Sadly, I can’t get rid of that tome now.

ORITE! Yes, this is correct.

What are you even referring to?

Why would you want to? You would just lose the ability to change to stag form in a flying zone.

I can now use normal travel form (cheetah and stag) in outdoor areas where mounts are restricted.

What if it was done so that we had both choices? Hit auto travel in zones without flight, no one can mount you. Hit mount form and they can. Because before this, once you got the tome, regardless of hitting auto travel or stag form, you were mountable.

Almost every thread you’ve made recently.

Because I despise being someone’s Uber.

All I know my druid friends better let me mount them…

When you want to stop that behavior, just start spinning around. They will get sick and never jump on again.

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