So uh - why'd this happen? (Druid Travel Form)

So for people who don’t know, druid travel form is no longer mountable as a default thing, and instead is now a separate form in which people can mount you provided you go to Moonglade and pick up a tome from the chick there. Apparently there was some kind of reason to take away the travel form mount passive which has been in the game since Cata (I think), and now it requires an entirely separate keybind to enter “Mount Form” which doesn’t even have a buff highlighting your form at all.

O_o? Why’d we do this? Was there some kind of reason? Do more seasoned druids know why this change happened? Cause I feel this is kinda dumb.


I’m curious to know if the mountable form works in The Maw or not. If not, that might be the reason they separated the two.


Hmm. True. I didn’t think about that, though I did read a similar comment over in the EU forums about that when I was searching Google and looking for some kind of comment. It just didn’t register in my head.

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probably this im guessing. imagine having a 2 box slave druid just for the maw lolz.

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There was always a separate stag form tome. I’m confused.


The separate stag form tome was to make it so you wouldn’t involuntarily enter flight form while in areas where you could fly. Which makes sense, and I get that. In this situation, they’ve removed the mountable aspect from travel form as a baseline thing though, which is my complaint and worked it into “mount form” which encompasses all travel forms anyway, so we’ve in effect lost the ability to enter stag form by itself.


Didn’t it change early BFA when they made travel form switch based on the environment you were in?

People argued against this change for a good while but it went ahead

And it also made you mountable as a stag.

Right, I get that. Like I say in the rest of the post though:

Based on the tooltip stag form is no longer a separate entity. They just removed the ability to mount and rolled in a second ability which makes it mountable but doesn’t actually function any different.

It was never mountable baseline. You needed the glyph or the tome.


Not in BFA you didn’t, that was removed. It was made baseline. The second you got a druid to 16 in BFA, people could mount you.


I don’t see that in the patch notes anywhere, so I don’t know. The 9.0 patch notes does say it was changed. The tome is level 17, so you’ll still get to be a mount in SL content.

This is the best I’ve got for you, m’dear. I dunno why it was changed in BfA without being noted. Maybe it was a bug?

I still think we should just have individual form buttons. Having that control was preferable.


Yes, please, and thank you! I hate auto travel. I know some people like it and that’s fine, but… at least give me an option to not use it and have all of my travel forms separate.

OH! Shad, let me test something and see if my sudden theory is correct.

Go for it, I’m just tanking dungeons.

Wow. Okay… I was wrong.

I assumed maybe they changed it so that mountable stag would now work in water and not dump passengers. NOW I CAN’T EVEN BE IN WATER IN STAG FORM AT ALL.


Oops, too late, but still, was baseline mountable since Legion

It wasn’t mountable for me in Legion. :woman_shrugging: That’s why I had to go get the tome. I had friends complaining about it. And I had purposely left it off because I didn’t want to be their Uber. Sounds like this was somehow a buggy mess. Not surprising. It always has been since that disaster of an auto travel was introduced.

It definitely was, the thread linked above shows multiple people doing it, and I did as well.

The ground travel form was baseline mountable in Legion, the flight form wasn’t two person until getting the class hall version.