So uh, where's them tuning notes?

Walk back DK nerfs? Nah, just make other DPS match to reflect them.


They’ve received a boat load of class defining nerfs and that’s never fun, I want fair classes for all that’s still fun to play. It was a good call in this situation but normally no class should be nerfed that heavy, now if they are overreacting then, shame on them. But it should be carefully considered if it is an overkill.

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nah they said they had more changes planned

then they buffed psyfiend on tuesday afternoon so

thats that!!

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Sorry I don’t play DH, so I was slightly talking from my past experience in SL but, yes, I’d agree with the shard not healing for 100k, these all seem like fairly easy constraints. I don’t want anything to just die and roll over, but also Unkillable gods isn’t fun either. I think everyone is giving this feedback if they realize it or not that every class is actually fairly close to being actually very well balanced.

Guardian has to be addressed , prob some targetted lock stuff, fury healing, and dh dmg is the bare minimum i will accept and self healing from non hybrids. otherwise its just same blizz diff expansion

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Fury and DH both need their healing walked back. No reason it should be higher than say, a rets casted heals.

Fury and DH literally out heal hybrids just by hitting their damage buttons.

Buffed it? It thought the note said it went from 10% of priests max hp to 4%, so 60% hp nerf on the psyfiend.

you can use externals on it now like PW:S and ray of hope

Oh yeah… what I assume is an unintended side effect of allowing dots to damage it now.

That wasn’t well thought out.

Apparently Liquid Max said they were going to announce tuning today and tomorrow so we will see and who knows if its going to be pvp tuning or not

Its no longer affected by debuffs and can’t be interrupted I believe.

It’s also BGs right now, demon procs of damage done. When you’re in a group of 5 people and 98% of your abilities hit aoe, it will proc more. In skirmishes sometimes I don’t even get a proc.

And yet, for some reason, Justicar’s Vengeance doesn’t seem to hit psyfiend

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10PM EST like last week, get ur buttholes ready.

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def feel like regardless of ppm it shouldn’t be a >full top just because it happened to proc


Havoc also has like 20 seconds of banking the proc and aren’t obligated to pop it instantly.

I wish I could bop the opposing dh’s demon. Most DHs don’t even have purge on their bars kekw

We should be able to kill the demon in Incase they be feelin squirrelly tryna keep it around.

Unsure if this is still the case but you used to be able to break cc with the demon. Like, if rogue/mage tried to poly you then Jerry the Felhound would bite your ankle and knock you out of it.

Only downside was that the demon is slow, so if you spaced from it then it could take a while to catch up. Also not sure super good about breaking cc that doesn’t break on damage, like frost nova.

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Oh jimmy the condemned demon is a good boy who goes to church he still breaks cc :^)

I enjoy the fact that our made up demon names both start with j