So uh, where's them tuning notes?

Blizz said they would do another round of tuning before the season started. Season is few days away. Anyone hear anything?


If there are any they will probably be posted by close of business today to give people time to reroll, level, and fully gear a 4th character by Sunday morning.

I mean they could tell people at close of business on Monday and theres still enough time to level and gear. Pretty wild actually


Later today, right? :dracthyr_love_animated: Curious to see what we get before the season starts.


Big true but the anxiety is killing me though. I just want them now!111!1111

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Rumor has it they’re finally removing the PVP damage adjustments for Ret :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Well it’s Friday, if they don’t do it today, they prob do it on Monday.

So they need to walk back the DK nerf by 20% that will keep them happy and manageable. Also nerf SP Self healing % or the mana they can use to self heal with costs 25-30% for shadow mend. DH needs a simple fodder nerf on the healing the DH gets. Rogue needs a longer CD on Stealth, so they cant stealth before Sap Runs out like 12-15secs, this would cause a lot of their annoying tendencies Go away and make the 1v1 more attemptable. But I truly believe it wouldn’t crush them by any means. Same stealth timer for Druid or anything that can Stealth like them. Everything else is fine.


The other tuning pass was posted to wowhead around 9:08pm EST, so we may be able to expect them today around that time?

Or maybe even up until Tuesday before maintenance.


Usually comes out towards the end of their work day, so in about 4hrs or so is when I expect it

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Na let them seethe.

Haha, Yeah I mean they were bonkers but now its DH’s turn, SP is just slightly over tuned honestly and its the healing aspect same for lock.

I don’t think that’ll change much on DH side, DHs will just swap to kyrian sigil which hits like a truck. Then the combo would be stun kyrian sigil and hunt someone for 300k…

Ret is so squishy they need the pvp tuning removed from their heals. There are classes that literally out-heal them by just spamming damage.

I’m actually ok with them doing crazy damage, just not crazy dmg and heals. If you feel me, Like a dh is almost dead and then he tops off and can 1v3 I see regular DHs self healing so much they dont even need to be tank spec to run through a dungeon and dont even get below 50% there is issues here.

I agree with this, they need to be on a lvl that enh is bursty nice self heals but very limited like on a limiter of sorts IE mana or what not, can be wog’s but they cost mana for ret, something like that seems simple enough.

I’m channeling a fury nerf and more arms buffs. I’ve got the sigils drawn on my floor, candles, and a ouija board out.


Yeah I think the soul from the demon is also bugged I need to double check. So the demon kill heals for 25% of max hp. The demon soul should be 20% of max hp once you pick it up. Last time I checked they both healed the same amount for me.

Might have just been a one time thing but I’ll need to double check.

Well its not that exactly, its the fact you do dmg to this target who takes like 1mil dmg, and 3% or higher leech tops you. with all that combined, they should simply make it die with small numbers 100dmg or w/e 3% only leech is 30k healing plus those you mentioned, and if leech is any higher then boom.

Yes but the demon proc healed me for 100k. The soul healed me for 100k. Then leech for 30k. The soul shouldnt heal the same as the fodder. We also heal from the hunt, fel devestation, and shards from spamming chaos strike (they heal for like 8%) way too much healing lol. In SL I mentioned nerfing the fodder heal by 50%.