So, uh, anyone going to do anything about that big sword?

I tell them to go play MoP. Same damn story.

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Actually having the inside of the sword be a dungeon may be interesting.

Goes pretty long :stuck_out_tongue:

In a nutshell though, it’s looking like we’re just going to let Azeroth die and bleed out while we go to Shadowlands? Maybe if we beat up death azeroth can’t die?

Hey, hey, hey!

… I wanted to spill the surprise. Now what am I gunna do after the project completes? Stole my thunder…


We did. The legendary weapons and heart of azeroth healed the wound.

It wasn’t displayed well.


You know Chekhov’s gun? Well we got Sargeras’ sword.

Or at least, we hope it’s that, and not something that will get retconned one patch and the sword will just be gone.

Probably setting up the next filler expansion after BFA. It’s part of sylvannas’ 4D chess ultimate plan.

Well how did the sword get stuck in there in the first place? Seems sketchy. I vote they have Unicron from Transformers come stand on the planet and pull it out.

No, they didn’t, they removed the immediate poison. Sword without poison is still a slow bleeding out death.


New players exist in the past. That’s why Blizz doesn’t need to keep updating Northrend, Pandaria, etc.

Just look at what happened when they tried to “update” Azeroth to the “present” in Cataclysm – a total cluster fudge, where Deathwing is still considered a current threat.

I’m pretty sure they just decided to hang Christmas lights on it and call it a day

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Tell the goblins it’s worth a fortune. It will be gone in few days


sorry, needed it to power… something.


With any luck the Goblins will work in conjunction with the Gnomes will invent a sword removal ray.

Slowly but surely they will lift the sword out of the wound, cauterize the wound (to shut that irritating dwarf up) and then launch it back into space.

They will naturally miscalculate the amount of thrust required to leave Azeroth’s gravitational pull and it will come tumbling down and land in the center of Thunder Bluff, completely decimating it.

This will ignite the 5th war because somehow it will all be the Gnome’s fault.


We could SOS beacon one of the titans to remove it, they can become huge at will like Sargeras was, they just kept their small size to sit in the thrones and pull Sargeras back at which point he also shrunk.


Prolly going to be some dumb stuff like we make a Deal with Illidan to put a leash on space Satan to pull out his sword so we can use it to murder Big void space Satan.

Seem about par for current writing.


We cauterized the wound, and removed the infection. All that’s left to do is actually get it out, we’ll have to have the coordination of both sides, and logistically plan out and test several theories in regards to removing it, possibly making use of some titan artifacts that are left over and–

…wait, what? what do you mean we’re not doing anything with the sword…? We’re going where…? What? Ugh… that’s stupid.


That’s what she said.


why not just have the void elves teleport it to a random location somewhere else? or about 100 mid level mages and jaina and khadgar teleport or polymorph it, that would be about the same. mechagon gnomes already have anti-gravity tech, so why not get them together with the goblins who have high-power thrusters and make the sword weightless before pushing it out with the remote thrusters? use some shamans etc.

We’ll get an xpack where we break it down and use the pieces to craft artifact panties that give us demonic butt powers to defeat our mutual enemies (after being mad at each other for 2 patches for no reasons).

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