So, uh, anyone going to do anything about that big sword?

Remember? The one that the Space Devil plunged into our planet? The same Space Devil that we all united to fight against only to turn on each other for reasons? The whole reason Azerite was allegedly a big deal?

No? We’re just leaving it there? No plans?

Like, I know that we’re pulling a WoD “Draenor Is Free” moment and trying to ignore the rest of this expac, but not addressing the whole reason this expac started feels lazy even for Blizzard.


ez just use a giant laser they make us build in a single patch to take it out.


Two expansions from now the sword will reveal itself to be evil, and the two factions will need to join forces to take it out.


Isn’t it…already evil?


Sword don’t stab planets; space devils stab planets.


That sword is huge. It would take a colossal effort of all the kingdoms of Azeroth to gather enough resources to get rid of it.

  • Such a megaproject would take a very long time and consume enormous resources.
  • It would be very dangerous. Workers can’t go to the top of the sword to disassemble it because there is no air up there. It’s a vacuum. Flying mounts can’t go that high, workers wouldn’t be able to breathe. Even forsaken would quickly freeze-dry and find themselves unable to move.
    • Since workers can’t go to the top the only option is to try to cut the bottom of the sword so it falls over and can be disassembled.
    • If it falls into the ocean it would create a tsunami which would swamp all coastal areas in Azeroth.
    • If it fell onto land it would destroy another zone… one people care about more than Silithus.
  • Very few on Azeroth really liked Silithus anyways. It’s simply not worth the time, effort, expense and risk to try to remove the sword.

It will carry Sargeras’s soul like how he posses Medivh and then something something faction battle.


Oh, don’t give me that. Literally none of that will happen. They’ll just wait until people get bored and then an NPC will eat The Pills That Make You Able To Move Giant Swords and it’ll be gone.

Stop doing the writers’ job for them.


by the end up shadowlands, we’ll find out the Goblins have bored into it from underground and begun converting it into a giant tower by hollowing it out and making platforms.

They will have a massive fleet of zepplins and bomber ships deflated and housed at the top ready to be deployed and long range ballistics mounted in the hilt. At such a high altitude, they’ll be super effective against any global threat.

Soon, the first windows will begin popping up on the edges of the blades as they reveal their master plan… total economic dominance.


It would be really cool if the Horde were to swiss-cheese the sword and convert it into a vertical city complete with platforms, elevators, stairs and zepplin landing pads.

Great idea!

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It would take a huge effort to remove something of that size. It’s not like someone could just walk over and pull it out. It would need to be broken down into pieces and removed but then you would to do something about the massive gaping hole you left behind.

I am sure eventually something will come of it but right now everyone is a little more focused upon the whole Old God on the loose thing :slight_smile:

Lol at people trying to come up with in game reasons why it can’t be removed but ignoring the fact that its a fantasy game teeming with magic that lets you do all the things you want.


Player housing inside the Sword. Prime real estate.


Azeroth is just going to push it out herself like it’s a giant splinter.


They will proably save it for another Ap grind well champion since we screwed over signature weapons of WOW like Ash bringer and Doomhammer we are gonna give you the weapons of Sargeras made from the titans sword now just fill it up with Legion Power (Regular gas, AA batteries, electricity) and we can unlock more power from the fallen titans lords weapons.

At the end of the expansion we gonna walk up to it and throw our necklace at it and it’s gonna shatter into tiny fragments. At least that’s what I’m expecting.


I was thinking we build a giant pool at the bottom and use it as a diving board.

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Who the heck would want to live in Silithus?!? Have you seen the neighborhood? Even Detroit would be higher on the list :stuck_out_tongue:


Azerite junkies?

If they remove the sword, how do you explain BFA’s storyline for futur new players ?