So ugh will the reset dailies get me banned?

Like the people doing the cache farming? Nervous to do it


Then don’t do it.

asking about it WILL GET YOU BANNED

nah dude go do them, there’s no way you get banned for that

Well, we all know we shouldn’t because the intention is that they’re… daily. Once a day.

101% illegal. Get banned felon.


most likely

What cache farming? Do enlighten

Did they revert the rep/rewards from the dailies we did today? I wouldn’t know so I’d want to do these dailies again

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It is a trap!

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Blockquote What cache farming? Do enlighten

people farmed relics to open the chests and that was mistook as exploiting because we shouldn’t be able to farm the item even thogh there was no indication we cant farm it.

the numbers curently repeating the dailies quests are high, that’s very unlikely they ban so much players.

I don’t see reason it would. I think It’d be like on the same as paragon rep keeping level of “exploit”. If it does at all.

My dailies didn’t reset but most of my guildies did. Weird.

this, the FBI, DHS, and ADL have been notified of your crimes against humanity. All cache farmers will be sent to the FEMA death camps.

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Well Hopefully those that cashed in wont be banned LOL :joy: :clinking_glasses:

The dailies are unlikely to get reset again today, so it’s probably safe. If you did them like 5 times, you might get in trouble.

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A Blue in the CS forum said it’s fine to redo them:

I am assuming the reason for the sudden shutdown is so they can fix this problem

blizz is shockingly allowing you to redo the dailies