So twinks get clustered with reg players?

This thread is a mess.

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Reread what you wrote as it makes no sense currently. I assume you’re asking “Is it tough being so ignorant
” To which I would respond “What do you think I’m ignorant of?”

A beautiful mess though. It’s like poetry, it rhymes.

hard to talk to a robot that’s programed to say the samething XD

At least robots can stay on topic and sling fewer ad hominems.

I’m just wondering how a post is flagged in about 3 minutes and even why? I don’t agree with them, but they didn’t really say anything wrong.


It only gives me an advantage because you and others like you refuse to gear properly for pvp.

In case you missed it. But by all means, feel free to call me a liar, yet again.

that’s because your programed beep bop boop

she must have like the lowest health in the bracket only way she would >die as fast< as she says

but, but, she just barely dies

“refuse to gear properly for pvp” lol. You realize that to twink (or gear properly for pvp as you put it) requires doing such things as: Turning off XP gains, waiting until timewalking becomes available, spamming timewalking for warforges amongst other time consuming things. You think it’s fair to expect people to do things like this so they can be on equal (ish) footing and enjoy a bg. Yeah see thats called twinking and I don’t care if people want to twink, more power to ya. I just think you should fight each other. If you live to fight other twinks like you claim, then why would you be against twink only brackets?


they do not want to fight each other, they want to dominate players. If they wanted a fair fight they would be at 120 fighting.


I just think it’s hilarious when some of them say “oh no I avoid all non-twinks and only fight other twinks” Then why would you be against twink only brackets?

I’m really getting mixed signals here. On one hand twinks only almost kill you, which means they aren’t an acual issue. On the other, the other team having more twinks than you means that they are going to win
 Make up your mind. Survival hunters and arms warriors were 2-3 shotting players with templates in Legion and I don’t think I saw you complaining back then. There’s always going to be OP classes and overgeared players in low level brackets. Just level outside of BGs or actually put in the time to gear up your character if you want to compete with the twinks.

You know, doing what an MMO should have you doing, putting in time to make your character stronger.

Also, love “stop flinging ad hominems” after you yourself threw those more than anyone else in the thread.


Right people fail to bring that up

I said they usually barely kill me. Meaning most of the times the fight ends with me dead and them at like 10-15% hp.

Here’s my exact wording:

Against a twink 1v1 it’s a close call. Usually they kill my undergeared lvling toon just barely.

Right, my 340 Druid is definitely competitive against a 390 Warrior.


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I was competitive when I dinged 120. i imagine w/e scaling they have for low levels is the same at 120

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390 is definitely not exaggerating.

For 111-119 the scaling is as good as 120 which is the bracket the angry worgen is complaining about