So twinks get clustered with reg players?

Being able to turn xp off is what blizzard had to allow because they buffed xp gains so much. It is working as intended. You might choose to play in that bracket for only 12 hours and speed through but that doesn’t mean everyone has to. Some people like to stay in that bracket if they are having fun and that is their right. Just because you want to be at endgame doesn’t mean everybody does or has to.


About time you got it

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Citation Needed.

Like just admit you guys like rolling people with less gear. You all make yourselves look so pathetic by lying. Just own it ffs.

man you are 1 angry little worgen lmao

nobody asked you about the 119 bracket either but you injected it into the conversation, didn’t you?

“So twinks get clustered with reg players”. Yes. Yes should have been your only answer or response. Anything else was an attempt to derail, but it seems that only those you disagree with are attempting to derail the thread.

Nice argument.

Oh hey look you brought logic into this /high five time to wait and see how mr angry worgen responds

Sehrys said they did it because people were leveling too fast. Again, citation needed for her assertion (gl finding that).

What part of relive lower level content did you not understand??


She cant read that’s why

No, she has an agenda, and it doesn’t fit the narrative…

Also that.

Can I see the citation that tells people not to use it so lazy levelers with bad gear don’t get killed too much while they use battlegrounds to level up?

i was responding to sehrys slick. They said “blizz did it because blizzard buffed xp gains so much” and you link the post about them disabling xp… Try to keep up child. A citation was needed for them saying what she asserted. Also I DON’T CARE ABOUT XP BEING TURNED OFF. I care about twinks being in the same pool as non twinks (the topic of conversation).

lol just character attacks, no substance… par for course.


That would be nice

Sounds like twinks aren’t the problem then. You are complaining about 1v2+ and yes, you will get rekt then

For reference against non twinks i usually decimate them. So yeah a keyboard turning mouthbreather shouldn’t ever be a close call. However if I was a keyboard turning mouthbreather I suppose I’d want any advantage I could get too.

Why am I having a hard time believing this?