So triune ward pretty much not mandatory anymore?

I know this has been a controversial issue since shadowlands launch and people complain about mages being tanky. Agreed it was too strong at the start. But now seeing the nerfs on the new PTR build. Does that make it useless aside from dispel protection? 35% effectiveness for 3 shields I’d rather just use a damage leggo lol for a 5% increase of shields. I mean you need a pretty good cross CC setup to get a full combust off at higher mmrs, and I am just a hardstuck low range glad player. But I tried to play with dmg leggo before and I was just melting. Aside from dispel protection on my alter time there’s no reason to use it after 9.1.5. Not sure if there is any mage players on those forums but one can agree that vs double melees training you that shield lasts for less than a second most of the time. Now I cannot think of any reason to use it anymore. It is oppressive in 2s and I agree with that but the game has never been balanced around 2v2 forever.

Also, now that we’re on the subject of defensive legendaries.


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It’s currently functioning at 50% effectiveness x 3 pre-nerf, so 150% what a normal shield would provide. But getting all 3 shields also applies the bonus effects of those shields, for instance taking damage applies the Frost shield snare which is something Fire/arcane normally don’t have access to. Prismatic shield gives you 15% magic damage reduction, that’s huge (think about Ret burst without they initial 15% reduction).

Post-nerf the shields dropping to 35% x 3 for 105% total, you will still benefit from the bonus effects + purge protection as you stated. Probably still worth running, no?

edited for clarity

This would of been a good response to a well thought out post

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I am pretty aware of what my main’s abilities do. Yes the bonuses on both other barriers are nice but triune has always been all about absorbs and healings with the conduit. Not sure how I can think of it being useful anymore. I mean 5% more absorbs for a legendary slot seems lackluster. The prismatic barrier reduction feels like the only reason to play it and probably only against maybe shadowpriests and boomkins. The slow on the frost barrier is nice but its not like melees are kitable anymore aside from ret pallies. I am not babyraging but trying to find a reason to use it in most matchups anymore.

Idk why I haven’t seen a post about it today, but it’s down to 35% down from 50%.

  • Triune Ward (Runecarving Power) now provides 35% barrier effectiveness in PvP combat (was 50%).

Yeah I noted the difference in my second paragraph. But I think the legendary is just basically going to boil down to:

  • 5% bonus to absorb
  • 50% snare on hit
  • 15% damage magic reduction while active
  • 25% reduction of magical effects duration (does this work on dots?)
  • purge protection

To me it sounds like mages will need to choose a good time to use this cooldown now, instead of just using it the moment it’s available. That lines up with how Ret has to use Shield of Vengeance, or when a hunter presses Exhilaration, DK uses AMS, etc etc… :man_shrugging:

Yeah, I just saw you say it was at 50% and just wanted to confirm to you it was going down to 35%

I think it’s going to go from auto pick to comp specific. If you’re one of the two most viable kill targets in a matchup, I would still take triune. Otherwise take one of your other two. For example if you’re rmp facing a windwalker, their only win condition is a leg sweep on the priest, so you would drop triune because you know they will never commit cooldowns on you.

prob gonna be comp specific

atm you just press it every 25 seconds without thinking
going forward you’ll prob have to be a better player and be aware of when there’s damage you wanna prevent and when you want the benefits of the additional bonuses and play around that

Not sure what other legendaries there r for mage, but on top of all the effects they get from the extra shields, it also adds purge protection for combustion

Like I said in my original post. Maybe in lower mmrs purging combust is a reliable option but at higher mmrs there’s no way you’ll ever get a worthy combustion without full cross CC. So that whole dispel protection for combust is irrelevant. I specified it would be only worth it for alter time not being purged. If you combust whitout cross cc as a mage you’re just doing it wrong and asking for your only kill potential to be wasted.

If you’re so good at mage why are you hiding on an alt though


I don’t consider low glad as good. And “hiding on an alt” just makes trolls like you have less access to troll food. Gl on your quest of pursuing happiness, may that negativity in your life be resolved.

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I mean it was a simple question, the fact that you took it as an attack says a lot about you.


Says even more about you commenting something off topic to get attention. Have a great night man. May the rating flow and the games be fun!

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How was it off topic? Lol. You’re the one saying dispel protection is useless.

Dayum you really wanna read what you want to read. Good night lol. On top of your first post in here being off topic. You are something. Hope you the best. Been there, feeling way better for a year. Hope your issues get resolved like I did with mine.

Thanks man


Not really hiding because you didn’t actually hide the character. Just lying about being low glad because your highest XP is 2k. Which I imagine is why you attempted to hide?

Don’t think anyone would’ve taken your post differently if you were a 2k mage or 2.5 so not sure on the reason why you lied anyway but :tipping_hand_woman:t2:


I am filthron on an alt account. You got me!