So today's the rumored DF Alpha day

I want alpha today.
But I’ll also be kind of annoyed if some classes are either
a) not getting a preview prior to alpha
b) going to be locked on the alpha

The preview doesn’t necessarily have to come out for every class prior to alpha - but the issue with it is 1 to 2 classes have essentially been given several days of pure player feedback attention at a time. As soon as the alpha goes live it will be like opening the flood gates.

Also, since they’re unplayable right now, the class feedback is based purely on theory and what logically makes sense. Once it’s playable you just know 90% of class feedback will be stuff like “KILL COMMAND DOES NO DAMAGE!!” or “NERF FIRE MAGE!!”. I don’t care about balance tuning at this stage, but players struggle to look past it.

ALSOalso… you know Blizzard will be hard pushing that Evoker engagement and feedback.

The more I talk, the more I actually think locked classes on the alpha is the way to go.

Thankfully all of the copies of the Gnomera Sutra, as far as I know, are in the depths of their irradiated capital city, and I think it’s probably better for my own sanity if I don’t know.

You may end up being annoyed in that case.

Wtf do you mean “viva”? Are you speaking spanish or italian?

It’s : “Vive la république, et vive la révolution”

Still waiting on the “confirmed” pre-order Allied Race that various “content creating” grifters promised.

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Yeah, don’t know why anyone worries about it. Plebians like myself don’t get any invitations not even betas.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Rogues didn’t get yheir build until like 2 weeks before SLs launch

thanks, haven’t typed or spoken french in a while

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:monkey_face: :monkey:

Fingers crossed. Im just hoping my motivation to play will come back once we see what the Alpha has. I just want to see something new.

Taliesen and Evitel have a untitled stream starting at noon (12 min from this post) so… maybe?


Man i hope so, could use something interesting happening today

Agreed. And if it does go live today, hopefully we’ll get a gander at the rest of the class talent trees.


NDA is lifted today. Alpha has been going on for a while.


That looks so awesome

WoWHead published some articles less than 10 mins ago of them playing Evoker at a Target dummy.
So NDA probably lifted. Hopefully invites soon.

That must be why slice and dice is in the game.

its almsot 12:30 eastern guessing it isnt happenign today

I see you’ve confused an alpha with a finished game.

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I’ve had two alpha invites and been in every single beta since MoP but WoD. I think it’s a bit higher chance than you think, honestly…cause I’m def a nobody.