So today's the rumored DF Alpha day

Which is prudent since there is so little time till release.

Expect you are assuming that people who don’t actively play one of those classes would even bother. I know I wouldn’t be on a alpha if the class I intend to play isn’t there. I mean I have never played a hunter, so do you really think I am going to be a good “tester” for that class?

Not yet. They still need to release the rest of the talent trees.

No, not for crunching numbers. But, that’s not the information that they’d gather from you. You are an active player, you’re reasonably intelligent, and you know what you enjoy. But, you also know what you don’t enjoy, and there’s a lot of value in that information as well.

The numbers side of thing can be left to the pro players and wiz kids and all that. But, creating a class that you’d enjoy coming back to every day, that feels just right, everyone has input on that, and someone who shied away from the class to begin with, has a big voice in the matter.

Well they can already gather that information now. If I enjoyed playing one of those classes, I would have one :slight_smile:

That’s true, but there is a unique opportunity during an alpha or beta to shift people into classes or quests or grinds that they otherwise would have ignored and then get their feedback and make changes based on that.

Take Warlocks for example. There was a huge influx of Warlocks because they were basically broken. A lot of those players shifted over to Warlock, but maybe previously never picked the class up. Figuring out why, might help fix some issues that the class has in general. Maybe it’s too clunky, maybe the rotation is too complex or doesn’t feel rewarding, or maybe they do poorly in certain areas of content.



Is monk the new hero class?

Lets just release the warlock talent preview and call it square.


please tell me i’m not the only one who looked at that phrasing and was doing the george takei oh myyyy

I had a BfA alpha invite before

With no family/friend related to blizzard

Consider yourself lucky, very very low change of randoms getting in. like maybe 1%.

I’m just trying to figure out where the sixth goes.

Nah, they won’t forget the monk tree. It will only have windwalker and brewmaster specs though.

I guarantee there’s literature for it somewhere.

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All stack in a single trench coat! Do you really want war or do you want to see an R rated movie?

If it is today then some classes will be locked, or they publish the rest and add caveats before people lose their cool over data mining.

Please don’t joke I’m not even gonna be shocked if Monk trees get implemented the reset before pre-patch with a we will adjust them later sticker attached.

i dont remember 100% but didn’t they say they would release some of the talents before the alpha release? I wouldn’t be surprised if they just dropped the rest of them day 1 of the alpha and just did the early releases for hype building