So they just stand there in poisonous blobs

Yep they buffed it this year but since they’ve spent years conditioning people to trey these three like a target dummies it’s a disaster.

On top of that there’s always someone who gets in before the tank and instantly talks to start the fight


Feels like we actually need to understand the event now.

I don’t mind it…

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honestly i did this thing once and had no idea what was going on.

if you’ve done this multiple times, you have a lot more knowledge than the rest of the people in the encounter.

wait people actually care about the stuff? the bosses die in like 10s

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They only die fast if the group is geared or low level.
Undergeared 80s make it a slog.

I only run it on 1 toon since only first kill gives the Rare items/mount so alts are useless unless your doing it for the xp.

I guess we’ll have to add holiday bosses to the list of things the forums thinks are too hard now…

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That’s not confirmed.

…ya it is its even on the tooltip lol, and its all over the forums/wowhead

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Have you read the topics regarding it, or are you just guessing too?
No, it has not been confirmed.
It’s suspected to work that way, not confirmed.

Blizz has said it themselves, actually. Read all about it here:

Specifically, this part:

We’re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however.


people been showing the info for awhile lol, just people don’t want to believe/listen to it…just let them waste there time doing alts. those who read and know the truth wont waste our time :slight_smile:


It’s fine. Perhaps they just haven’t seen that post yet!

I was the one who first linked that post in related topics though, so I am aware.

However I’ve read both reports that alts have gotten the Hallow’s End mount and that GMs have provided conflicting answers on the subjects, so no, that proves nothing.

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Usually the mobs die so fast I couldn’t even cast Flash Heal on myself let alone the tank

Must have been a very under geared group

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:

Well, there’s also this:

There’s a lot of evidence that strongly suggests only the first run each day matters. :person_shrugging:

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None conclusive though /shrug

All it would take is someone getting a rare drop on a run that’s not the first, but that could very well be trying to prove a negative if it’s simply not possible. But of course that keeps the door perpetually open for skepticism…

Blizzard could come right out and say it and people still wouldn’t believe them lol

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Yep. It’s far easier to just do a single run.
I only run tanks and healers for the event though, so it’s fast.
I’m not running 10s of alts anymore.