So Blizzard, you add dual spec which in itself is a very polarizing change. A large portion of the player base was unsure of the ramifications of its addition. It’s been added, and it hasn’t really changed much except add QoL into the fundamentally enjoyable classic experience.
What I don’t understand is why other things that only serve to make the experience more enjoyable improve the quality of life of a anniversary realm. These realms are fast paced, high cadence release realms so why isn’t player time respected.
40m raids giving 2-3 pieces of loot but only 1-3 month phases
We will literally be in BWL gear going into Naxxrammas
People are HRing multiple pieces from the raid, so this adds on top of the problem making it literally so unfun to raid in this version of the game
Chronoboon Cost & not in reagent vendors?
Why are chronoboons 10 gold? Why do people have to farm gold like its a job in a seasonal anniversary realm.
Why do we have to go all the way to WPL to get a boon?
There is plenty of other examples of them not respecting player time with small QoL changes that wouldn’t even effect the game more than a change like dual spec would, since that should be a benchmark considering that was flagshipped on launch.
I am not a no changes person and yet I don’t care about any of these and can honestly see legitimate arguments against them. I really am seeing the light in the people that post complaining about giving in to any changes leading to people just crying for more and more.
This is not meant to be a new twist or classic revamped but a relaunch with the couple changes they already mentioned and that was it. Play it and enjoy it for what it is… or don’t.
I know this, but you fail to understand the point. Chronoboons were added in Phase 6, when the economy was already saturated. 10g was nothing, everyone did GDKPs, etc. 10g in this situation makes 0 sense and doesn’t respect player time in a seasonal mode whatsoever
Because there’s an actual quest from Chromie to get it, shocking I know.
They are 10g in Era and Classic… you obviously come from SoD.
This is somewhat a problem, sticking to the #somechanges thing, it’s the way it was but I could see some alterations here to make it a bit easier since we’re on a shorter life span for Vanilla.
Not polarizing at all it’s what the community wanted, Blizzard delivered.
What I would like to see if we’re #somechanges still:
Meeting stones becoming summoning stones (I had a Warlock rage quit one of my Scholo groups because he had to re-summon someone…)
More layers for populated servers and remove them on Maladath.
More open communication about whether TBC/Wrath is getting an Era once it has concluded on Anniversary (are we even getting Wrath? We do not know.)
Nothing else needs changing imo besides the above listed.
No this is not classic wow, its an anniversary realm. It’s sped up, its not supposed to play like Classic WoW how it was, that’s why they added dual spec, instant mail, and removed the debuff limit. They are picking and choosing what QoL to include and what to leave out, that’s the problem when you teeter in the middle you got to stay consistent with the changes. Nowhere did I ask for things like
Exp Buff after X time
Summon stones like TBC
Reduced hearthstone CD
Reduced mount cost
Do you see what I mean? These changes above compared to what I’ve laid out are small, infact very specific to the end game raiding cycle which in this case is the portion of the game that is being sped up significantly. Not all QoL changes fit into Vanilla but a good amount can and should be added. Like Dual Spec.
I appreciate you posting the obvious which literally proves my point.
The game itself is not defined by these arbirtuary annoyances at end game. its the very game itself. Changes I mentioned in my last post that I DONT want in the game would go against the Blue Post you mentioned. It would fundamentally make it not Classic. Thats entirely my point. There are things you can add and change about Classic that will still preserve the core spirit of it, again, like Dual Spec.
It’s funny watching so many people so eager to jump on the jackass bandwagon, so quick to give miserable, snarky responses to people. Can’t give their 2c without that quickly degenerating to sideways comments or insults. SMH
the QoL i’d really like are better professions pages, so i can search and share or toggle and show things that skill up or just things that i have mats for, why is this not already a thing?
a built in equipment set so we can switch between different sets for different specs
there is more but i can’t think of it right now. none of this is is even game play changes its just QoL. i know they said you think you do but you don’t and they still really don’t want us to enjoy classic so they do their best to make sure we are inconvenienced as possible but its not going to actually stop people from playing. so just add more QoL to the side stuff would ya.
Many guilds in original vanilla did not fully clear each raid for months after initial launch, and even then they had very little clue how to properly distribute that gear or even create a high output set for themselves. This current loot schedule is probably the closest we’ll get to emulating that experience.