So there was no #ripcord after all

I always interpreted Ion’s initial “pull the ripcord” quote as referring to swapping covenants themselves. Make no mistake, this tech already exists on beta.

Instead his post today refers to what the #pulltheripcord movement became which was an attempt at compromise with naysayers by untying the player power from covenants while leaving covenant theme as the “meaningful choice”.

That I can agree on.

They’re going to save it for 9.1 or 9.1.5 or whatever and make a patch out of it.

Book it.

That is not true at all. We have always made choices that come with positives and negatives. A lot less so since the end of WotLK. The original game was full of options be it talents, professions, even weapon choices. If you got that nice new raid drop but you hadn’t leveled that weapon proficiency before you were sol until you did level it. Only since sometime around Cata and MoP did we have loadouts that changed from boss to boss or content to content. Yes people could change their talents endlessly in the past but it was a little cost prohibitive for the average player. It is a shift toward a slightly older design model one which I am looking forward to. Thank you Blizzard.

You are viable in all content no matter what covenant you pick. You are not 100% optimal but you are still viable. That is what matters.

It was calculated and the best place to obtain legiondaries was the caches from world quests. That is why the hardcore ran alts doing this method.

legiondaries from raids, dungeons and BGs were far more rare in comparison.

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Maybe its a recipie that is designed for pvp, the fact you might want it for pve is beside the point.

Conflict and Strife is amazing on certain classes/specs for pve - something designed for pvp.

gotta tell the people what they want so it seems like their voice is being heard lol get played filthy customers


You won’t get one.

And then forcing PVP players into Castle Nathria for recipes is not good either.


A lot of you are starting to sound like these “streamers”… build your own opinions, read the post, and develop your own ideas.

They also said they will adjust as needed and will not allow one to be more powerful than the other, I guess grumpy didn’t say that on his stream and most just followed like sheep.

The fact they are working hard on development, given how 2020 has been for everyone, it’s a solid sign from the development team.

Yes, BFA was horrible and corruption was probably the worse idea ever. Covenants are being maintained in check and they are listening to feedback… Something they did not do with the corruption system, have some faith.

Fair, I still think the differentiating factor is if certain recipes drop from different sources…unlike Legiondaries which were basically “grab bag”.

Paths for PVE and PvP should be completely seperate.

This means they had a plan ready, it doesn’t mean they had the code ready to go.

Anyone that thought they would pull the ripcord in the first patch of the expansion was being delusional.

It should be however that isn’t happening anytime soon.


How can you say this with a straight face when the whole point of these posts is that Ion is directly saying “We are listening, we just think you’re wrong so we aren’t going to change it.”

Also, so peoples opinions are only valid if they by chance don’t align with a streamers opinion? So either, have blind faith in Blizzard (Which they don’t deserve) or else you’re just a sheep lol


After a rocky start that lasted a few months, which legendary you got was random. The drop itself was not random, due to BLP and the weights of different content that contributed toward it.

How legendary bad luck protection worked was all the qualifying content you did contributed to a value. When you reached that value, if you had not already randomly received a legendary, your next qualifying content would give you one. So there was no long tail of people who hadn’t gotten one in a long time as normally happens in statistics.

I used an addon called “Legendary Progress Tracker” to track my progress toward my next legendary.

Qualifying content included…

  • World elites
  • Mythic dungeons
  • Mythic+ dungeons
  • Heroic dungeons
  • Normal dungeons
  • Emissary chests
  • Paragon boxes
  • Raids of all difficulties
  • Lesser and greater invasions
  • Probably some other stuff I’m forgetting

Not all contributed equally.

After the new management hires a PvP director.

Why would they lie? Actually take a moment and try to think of something besides “they want to make our days worse” because that’s simply not the case.

Okay, fine, but I looked for an interview from Ion posted somewhere today and couldn’t find it. WHERE did he say this today? Can you link it? Name the interviewer? Tell us where the video/audio is located? Please?

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It’s a blue post

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How many people stayed subscribed because they believed what he was saying? That’s your reason right there.