I am sorry to inform you but if you think there isn’t RNG in systemlands you are in for a surprise.
In context supposedly they got lazy with wod and built many areas 2d.
I agree with that assessment. I sometimes wonder how he says on as the wow director.
What a shocker
It exists. They just set up intertwined systems that would ruin a lot of what they did. Sometimes you gotta face a game as Devs intended and not play if you don’t agree with it.
I like that they are going through with it, the issue for me is most of the stuff in it they’ve nuked and feels boring.
WoW always had RNG if you consider % drop rate RNG. Proc based talents and abilities as well.
Like I pointed out, that wasn’t the case. A lot of people was calling out Blizzard on their BS because that feather toy let you temporarily fly around WoD zones. There was nothing 2d or unfinished.
“If you played beta”. So you really don’t read you just skim things get upset then post. I also said “or looked at the soulbind abilities”.
Please lets not misquote lets stay honest.
RNG recipe drops on legiondaries in systemlands that are important to class design is not good.
If they are dedicated drops with a known percentage, then its not Legiondaries.
Legiondaries literally were random drops with unknown %.
At least if it does or even if doesn’t you’ll have something to keep complaining about.
anyone got the sauce for the interview/article/post where they are now saying there is no ripcord? my google-fu and quick skim of the forums and blizz news seem to have failed me.
WoW is built on RNG - im saying i know what leggo im going to be targeting day 1 and working toward it. Its not RNG out of 8 leggos that i have zero control over.
Most people ran world quests to target legiondaries from the caches sorry to inform you.
Or the hardcore would run multiple alts using this method. Nothing is truly unknown to the min/max community.
The “pull the ripcord” idea was intended to keep people subscribed who might decide to quit based on what looked like facts about the covenant system and its drawbacks. I said at the time that Ion was just buying time until it was too late to make real changes. But realistically, by the time the game enters the alpha stage of testing, it’s already too late to tear it apart and fix the core around which an expansion is built.
Be wary of catchy phrases Ion coins and uses. Also people should be concerned about “gear will just be gear”. It says a lot less than what many people have assumed it will mean.
Blue post here:
Find what one you want and where it drops and farm farm farm exactly the same as aiming for a specific trinket.
This better be balanced when I start playing it. I am not your beta tester Blizzard.
The skills better be all viable within 5% and do a equal percentage of damage in the area they where designed for.
If it sucks I’m going to demand a refund and move on, I’m done giving you passes.
Forcing PVE players into PVP for recipe is not good. That is my stance.
Yes, most people did run world quests to target Legiondaries drops because they were the most efficient. There was no actual percentage drop rate or targetting, it just was completion of activities since you could get them from ANYWHERE.
Like there was no set way to get Legiondaries at all.