So there was no #ripcord after all

Thank goodness. The playerbase loves to overreact.


Lets be real: the ripcord was never a complete cancellation of the covenants impact on systems. Anyone thinking they were…was out to be disappointed.

Full stop.

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Yeah, how dare the players believe the back up system was going to work the way that the game director said it would.

That’s our bad lol


Well it is by design based on how BFA went.

Be very afraid of systemlands following the steps of BFA.



Yea, Blizzard wasnt going to cancel how a system works 2 months before release after the last time a major direction change happened prior to release and tanked an expansion.

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Did you even read it?

We have also taken steps to ensure that a player who switches covenants, as well as one who reaches max level later on in the expansion, never feels permanently behind as a result. Renown measures the strength of a player’s connection to their covenant and is the main vehicle for unlocking additional Soulbind powers and various covenant perks and rewards. Players primarily earn Renown via weekly quests to gather anima from across the Shadowlands, and to rescue souls from the Maw and restore them to their rightful place in the covenant. If a player has missed any of those quests, however, they will find that they can earn Renown directly through a range of activities such as dungeons, world quests, and PvP, until they are fully caught up. This system will be functional on Beta in the coming weeks.

In short, a player who regrets their covenant choice, and who wants to change their mind, should be able to do so straightforwardly at any point during the expansion, and will be able to reach a state with no long-term drawbacks or disadvantages compared to someone who had been in that covenant all along.

Swap covenant, farm back to where you were at by grinding.

So the biggest issue and complaint is solved? Fine by me.

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I won’t argue that he was being dishonest, hes proven in the past that what he says and what hes going to actually do are two different things.
I just think people should expect to wait till 9.1 at the earliest for any changes to Covenants, he was banking off people liking the current system so much when they actually got to play with it they would forget their grievances.

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I enjoyed BFA. I don’t care about Mythic Raiding, Mythic Dungeons, or PVP so a Ripcord doesn’t really matter to me. I’ve played a feral druid since 2005.

Just stating that the developers and players will never think the same.

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Oh it’s definitely what I’m doing. I already “pulled my ripcord” on my subscription. I’ll come back in 9.1 or 9.2 or whenever it is they realize that this is a terrible idea.


Remember BFA followed the steps of Legion.

You didn’t read what he said? The man said they discussed it and decided doing something like that wouldn’t be viable in the long term.

I would quote him directly but you can go back and read what the man said. He didn’t lie nor mislead he gave valid reasons.

The man also said they didn’t want to give up they wanted to work to get any issues resolved with imbalances. What do you guys want from them?

Listen I have had my issues with Blizzard in the past when it comes to this game being a MMORPG and elements missing from it. During Legion they redeemed themselves with Class Order Halls. Now we have Covenants and story narrative in those covenants for our characters. These are good things for a MMORPG.

I don’t understand why this is difficult to grasp.

Like he said Soulbinds and Covenant abilities build on one another. This is just a fact if you played beta or just looked at the soulbind abilities.


Legion was a disaster in terms of borrowed power. The fact that legiondaries are back for systemlands says it all! :+1:

But what made Legiondaries was bad was they were entirely up to RNG, so they arent back at all.

Recipes are sill RNG drops so there is still RNG elements.


LOL I remember that lie. It was so dumb. We could temporarily fly around Draenor with that dumb feather and the terrain looked fine.


Do they drop from different sources and have dedicated drops?

Forcing PVE players to do PVP is not cool.

Borrowed power is FUN. The fact you get to pick what borrowed power you want from day 1 is the fix that was needed. Legion RNG was broken. BFA RNG was broken. Shadowlands removal of RNG is a move in the right direction.

Tier sets were borrowed power and ran for many years with minimal issues, due to less RNG.

Ok i’ll just hop on beta with the beta key that i totally have…oh wait.