So there was no #ripcord after all

It should be however that isn’t happening anytime soon.


How can you say this with a straight face when the whole point of these posts is that Ion is directly saying “We are listening, we just think you’re wrong so we aren’t going to change it.”

Also, so peoples opinions are only valid if they by chance don’t align with a streamers opinion? So either, have blind faith in Blizzard (Which they don’t deserve) or else you’re just a sheep lol


After a rocky start that lasted a few months, which legendary you got was random. The drop itself was not random, due to BLP and the weights of different content that contributed toward it.

How legendary bad luck protection worked was all the qualifying content you did contributed to a value. When you reached that value, if you had not already randomly received a legendary, your next qualifying content would give you one. So there was no long tail of people who hadn’t gotten one in a long time as normally happens in statistics.

I used an addon called “Legendary Progress Tracker” to track my progress toward my next legendary.

Qualifying content included…

  • World elites
  • Mythic dungeons
  • Mythic+ dungeons
  • Heroic dungeons
  • Normal dungeons
  • Emissary chests
  • Paragon boxes
  • Raids of all difficulties
  • Lesser and greater invasions
  • Probably some other stuff I’m forgetting

Not all contributed equally.

After the new management hires a PvP director.

Why would they lie? Actually take a moment and try to think of something besides “they want to make our days worse” because that’s simply not the case.

Okay, fine, but I looked for an interview from Ion posted somewhere today and couldn’t find it. WHERE did he say this today? Can you link it? Name the interviewer? Tell us where the video/audio is located? Please?

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It’s a blue post

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How many people stayed subscribed because they believed what he was saying? That’s your reason right there.


Take the post in whatever context you want.

Trust me, I am not an Ion fan and think he has done a poor job at addressing issues with BFA and ignored major issues until they could no longer be ignored. However, the Development team has been hard at work and perhaps they have been addressing issues within the beta in quick fashion. So who knows… this may be the expansion.

I couldn’t even begin to imagine why a corporation would want to try and silence a large negative outcry right before a major product launch.


Thank you.

They are making changes because these are all issues people will quit over. They’re designing the expansion backwards and inside out. Instead of starting with an idea they knew players would love, they started with an idea they knew in advance that a lot of people would hate.


Sounds like you have the solutions to all problems… You should become a developer, since it’s so clear to you. I am sure you would excel at it.

I only make observations about what I see the devs doing and ask myself, “Of what benefit is that to them?”

If you haven’t noticed them stringing players along with promises that the next BfA patch will fix everything and redeem the expansion, you haven’t been paying attention.

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Ion himself said that the backup already existed

I’m gonna need a quote on that, 1 because I don’t want to sit through the hour long video Preach has, 2 because I remember him only saying that they’re “prepared to change it”. He didn’t say they had the change ready to go.

I definitely recall Ion telling us that they wanted to try to make this work first, and if it didn’t, they had a backup plan to pop in and change it.

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he specially did say that it was ready to go

I’m gonna need a quote, just like I asked the other guy.

This was discussed at length at the time. You weren’t paying attention, and you won’t believe it no matter how much data people spoon feed you.

So you don’t actually know what he said. But you’re in here telling people that he didn’t say something lol.

If you don’t have the time then go open up Bellulars recent video about the rip cord drama. It opens with Ions quote.

Yeah imagine after 3 expansions of failed game systems that Ion would admit that maybe the community knows what they want roflmaoomghaxors


Or rather that they genuinely believe their ideas could be fun and different? Imagine giving the community everything they want always lmao

Here. Bellular made a video about it and it starts with Ion talking about it