So the new world of warcraft folder is almost 90gb in size

I’m going to actually be doing a full clean up and fresh installs tomorrow anyways. Because of a disconnection when not disconnected error message every time that I load into the character selection menu, since scan and repair didn’t work for me last time.

SSDs have gotten really cheap in the past few years, unlike most other computer components.

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Good thing I’m rocking a Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB M.2 PCIe Gen5 x4 NVMe drive. And yes, my motherboard supports a single Gen5 PCIe drive.

Same for me I just upgraded to a 2TB SSD.

I have 1 Gig internet so I just save my Interface & WTF folders uninstall and do a fresh install after every major patch.


what do you mean by new , the installation was 90gb for some years now

I’m waiting on an enthusiasts gaming pc I ordered two weeks ago … it ridiculously overpriced but I’m still excited. Anyway it’ll have a total of 6 TB (by way of three separate 2tb nvme ssds) I should be good. I have a usb 3.0 external 10TB for data and pretty much no games that’s how I keep the nvme drives clean.

Time to delete some of your por….

er, …. Photography.

All those “photography” videos will eat up your hard drive space.

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Good specs?
Hope you didn’t get a 13 or 14th gen i9.

The first computer I worked on was a CDC 3600. It had disk drives that held about 2meg or 3meg, 7 bit bytes (6 data, 1 parity). It was about the size of a washing machine.

The OS was on a 1meg drum that was about the size of a large refrigerator.

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I’m currently building (as a side project) a computer using a 32k eeprom as both storage and ram, 16k of each.

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This would’ve been large a long time ago.

I did but I’m not new to computers . I just didn’t feel building it myself this time.

I won’t write exact specs because basically what you just said. Not meant to offend I just know how tech talk goes in forums. Ain’t going that path.

Yeah, I’d be very wary of the higher end intel CPUs from the past 2 series (13/14).

Not new to them . They work fine if you know how to manage the heat and tune the bios. Plus the normal of pairing with appropriate ram and gpu.

The current theory is design issue + manufacturing defect, resulting in a super high failure rate (currently estimated to be 25-50%).

How old is your computer if you’re worrying about 30 to 40 gb’s?

2010 I was excited to find a 2gb flash drive that was less than $50.

I do hope my laptop will be able to handle 90GB. It would suck if it wouldn’t.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

I have a 2tb drive with practically nothing in the way of games using that space, so I am good as of right now.