So the make everyone OP and ignore warrior meme was true

Not just warriors. The devs can’t do anything without someone rending their clothes and raging about it.

Warriors are already, baseline at the Pinnacle in terms of dps in vanilla, a quick glance at warcraft logs places fury warrior top DPS on Patchwerk at 2000-2600 DPS vs ret paladin at 1k DPS.

The ret paladin in this case has to rely on his runes to close that gap which is huge and warriors will have runes of their own to continue pushing past the point they were already at.

Warrior is the safe bet in the long haul in vanilla.


Warriors heavily scale with gear. When they reach higher levels and obtain gear with more stats, warrior dps will increase substantially

So youre saying, be bad in phase 1, be bad in phase 2, be bad in phase 3, and hope to be ok in phase 4 while everyone else are op in each phase?

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Are you willing to accept the Warriors nerfs later on when they get op?

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Warrior’s are gonna be relatively bad during phase 1. That’s all there is to it.

Phase 2 will improve because warriors will get mortal strike and access to much better weapons. Similar thing will happen during phase 3.

Phase 4 is when warrior’s will have access to everything and see massive dps increases as they obtain pre-bis and beyond. It’s how warrior has always worked and how it compares to other classes on these servers has yet to be seen. I’m sure they’ll be fine.

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Basically we all level warriors each phase but ignore them till theyr 60 ??

Wow SOD is so fun for warriors.

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then play something else between phases?

already got a ret and mage lvl 10 doing more dps then my 25 warriors.

Il make sure people cry about ret and mages. It,s so stupidly Op compared to my warrior.

Also level 25 won’t be balanced. There are winners and losers this phase at 25.

Wait till Glad stance latter. This isn’t warriors phase but with that said they can do decent damage with blue/epic gear. They scale well but really are bad now which is why I’m not playing one first toon.

Sure, we might not be the highest damage on Warrior DPS, but I like it so far. Some of the runes have made it pretty fun to play.

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Hope you have fun!

If you want to know what it’s like to suffer, go talk to some of the ret paladins on era servers. They’ve been playing a spec that is regarded as a meme by the entire classic era community because of how bad they are compared to other classes from level 1 to 60 for years. Yet they still remain die-hard rets because they genuinely love and enjoy the spec regardless of being objectively worse.


I mean the OP kind of has a point. Sure, “iT’s JuSt LeVeL 25” but that’s the cap for right now. This is what warriors have to play with in Ashenvale and BFD and it sucks.

This isnt era. This is SOD.

AND Ret are insane compared to warriors.

Bad take.

The principle still applies. If they can handle being bad for years, I’m sure you can withstand being subpar for a couple months until a clearer picture has been formed.


Were not subpar.

Were literally worst then what ret are at 60 by miles.

mage healer even beat warrior dps.

we just got no good runes compared to every class.

How do you know this when no one has played the SoD iteration of classes at 60?

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No what I meant is warrior right now are way worst compared to every class then Ret on era compared to every class … BY MILES.

Basically the tldr version is:

“Warriors are bad and will be bad for a long time because of these reasons”

Everyone else “We agree, but they will be awesome at 60”

So apparently the solution is to ignore warriors until TWW drops or whatever, play something else then reroll a warrior when 60 unlocks sometime in late 2024.

Good talk.


Warriors worst then Shadow Priest? :thinking:

I think it’s closer then you think.