Priest dps very bad in Phase 1, hopefully this is addressed in Phase 2

Yeah they are doing like 1/2 to 1/3rd the dmg of others classes including hybrids like Druid, Mage, and Paladin. The main culprit appears to be, as most guessed, mana. Hopefully a mana regen rune of sorts is added to a new slot in Phase 1.

I won’t be crying for a hotfix or anything, we all knew there would have to be at least some losers for Phase 1. Lets just hope Phase 2 brings some help.

Current WCL Averages:


The true test will be in phase 2 when shadowform becomes available. I’m hoping they give spriests some love to make the spec viable in classic. Going to need better mana regen and some better abilities to make it compete with other classes.

i.e give us vampiric touch, decrease mana costs of spells in shadowform, increase mana regen, etc… I’m hoping Blizz will show some love to the spec


Reduced Mana costs and increased regen would fix the issues without making Priests stronger than other classes, imo.

Maybe just reduce the mana costs on every spell rank available to Priests in phase 1.

I think i do more dps than a shadow priest spamming free wraths as a resto druid ngl


I’ve argued, put forward suggestions, I don’t know what else to say…

Runes are supposed to complete/make your spec feel great, thus far Shadow hasn’t really gotten anything. We just OOM and Wand I guess it’s the true Classic Experience.

  • Void Plague, essentially another DoT, zero interaction with anything, has a 6 sec cd oddly because it literally does half the damage of SW:P a spammable spell.
  • Twisted Faith, simply pointless, Mind Flay now does 90 damage over 3 seconds, interrupts MP5, Wands do more damage and can Crit, also makes Mind Blast hit harder a insanely expensive spell that rips threat so easily.
  • SW:Death, A weaker Mind Blast, Instant cast, does all the damage back to you if not a kill, no positive other then being instant cast. Why use over Penance?.
  • Shared Pain, I still don’t know its use?, considering other classes Runes and power seriously have you fought anything with trash lasted longer then 10 seconds?
  • Homunculi, the only fun unique Rune completely turned to trash due to horrible pet A.I although once fixed will be decent.
  • Mind Sear, will comment once I unlock Rep to use it in phase 2.

Seriously as DPSing, Penance is the only saving grace we have that in grouped content is regularly used to heal more then anything else.

Sick of tired being shoehorned as a Healer even though specd as Shadow, YES I’m that fool that did get Mind Flay, but literally still do everything as a Healer and simply just “Wand” my way through Phase 1 in hopes it ends quickly so I may get Shadow Form.

I’m not saying Shadow Priests won’t get better, but currently for how ever long Phase 1 lasts it’s non existent.


Yeah priest is so bad dps that it almost seems bugged. Kinda nuts really. Goes against their philosophy shown at Blizzcon of wanting no meme specs. They skipped 1 spec/class though…

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