So the Friendly Alpaca quests don't count in a Raid Group

it literally pops up in game with “Alpaca it in completed”

And the alpaca emotes at you, to boot.

This patch has been nothing but huge let downs and the one good positive thing they release for the community and it’s an absolute rip. Come on, don’t let us turn it in if it doesn’t get credit Blizz. Not hard.

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This is a tremendous screw-up on Blizzard’s part. The fact that this mob is a rare spawn and has multiple locations literally inspires raid farming it. Similar to the Vol’dun one, which was always just fine to be obtained in a raid group. If nothing is done about this, and they leave the exploited alpacas untouched, I’m very firm in my hesitation to purchase Shadowlands. I know only buggy, frustrating experiences will follow this patch.

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They just posted a hotfix:

Because you know, it totally doesn’t feel like I just wasted 8 days of my life. At least they fixed it :confused: Now to find 7 more greens. Ugh.

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LOL oh my god… this is almost worse than just leaving it unobtainable in a raid group. What a joke.

I’m sure dozens of people have pointed this out, but one more time since you missed it for the last 15 years: you can’t do quests while in a raid group.

I’m sure I’ve pointed it out a million times but I explained previously why that is not correct, and I posted above the hotfix they just made.

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I am sorry but this hotfix doesn’t cut the mustard. Blizzard set XY and Z expectations to get the mount. People did XY and Z to get the mount, but it didn’t work. It isn’t our fault blizzard screwed it up. And as such we should NOT be expected to farm another 7 days for it!!! WTH blizzard!?

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Was it a… slap in the face?

This less formatted but possibly simpler one worked for me:

/script print(GetQuestObjectiveInfo(58881, 0, false))

Most definitely :joy: :joy:

This was the slap in the face to end all other slaps in the face hahah :rofl:

But seriously, I am actually really pissed

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Where was that posted at? I don’t see anything new in the Hotfix thread or on the Blizzard Tracker form posts.

Whenever people say that I think of pro wrestling and it ends up just being funny instead of communicating how angry they are. I’m surprised there are no good slap in the face memes tbh.

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Blizzard doesn’t post here you have to monitor third party games journalism sites if you want to see what is going on with WoW.

“You should know you can’t do quests in raid groups!!”

No. That is completely incorrect. Almost every quest in the game is able to be turned in in a raid group. Which is exactly what this was. It not counting the quest as being completed is actually counter to what other quests in the game are like.

Sure, many quests don’t allow you to get credit for quest objectives, such as looting or killing, but this isn’t a quest like that, so it is not a “you should have known!!!1!” type of thing.


Thank you for that. Good to know and good to hear it has been handled satisfactorily (for me anyhow).

:woozy_face: I just fed it once but now I feel bad for all the groups I saw in the premade group…

I just did my 7th day of it and yeah… I’m seriously disappointed. They shouldn’t have let you even be able to do the quest if you’re in a raid group. I wasted a week in raid groups camping for this blasted alpaca…