So the Friendly Alpaca quests don't count in a Raid Group

Just do what I did: join the raid, fly to the alpaca, leave the raid, if you didn’t get phased out do the quest. Though I don’t think I left the group every time so I’m probably a few days behind.

This issue here is that if progress towards the mount does not count in a raid group, then why did it let us complete the daily quest while in a raid group? The quest should not have completed and then given us a chance to do it solo, but no, it completes and makes you think everything is fine.

This is an absolute slap in the face to everyone who has been doing this for the last week, and Blizz should implement a fix that gives the mount to anyone who has completed the daily quest 7 times.


This. Especially with ZERO indication it wouldn’t count.

If it worked like other quests that don’t work in a raid group, the quest would never have acknowledged we had the Gersahl Greens.

If you’re in a raid group and try to loot a quest item, it fails to loot. If you have them in your bag, the game won’t acknowledge they’re there. I’ve done it enough times on accident to know.

There’s ZERO hints this doesn’t count.

There’s a GM response on wowhead (by someone else obviously) that we should keep repeating it until the quest pops up, and apparently the developers are looking into it.

I sincerely hope THAT GM is correct. GMs often don’t know more than players, so yours probably saw the wowhead comments and assumed. This one says the developers are looking into it, which implies it’s a known issue.

I just wish someone would acknowledge it and tell us if we should even bother doing the quests.


I got this sent to me from a friend today confirming that GM said it would not work in raid group - which it total bullsh*t and the people who exploited on the first day in a raid group need to have the mount removed from them.

(For some reason I can’t put links in my post, but it on reddit called “Springfur Alpaca Mount Credit NOT Counted in Raids”

Hey there! Game Master Kieulas here!
I read your ticket about the Springfur Alpaca and Gersahl Greens!
At the moment, completing these feeding quests in a raid group will not provide any credit for your feedings for this Alpaca - just like completing most other content while in a raid group. However, it’s pretty confusing for this situation specifically, so our Dev crew is working on changing it up for this Alpaca in the future.
For now, continue feeding the Alpaca while not in a raid group and you’ll earn credit normally and eventually pick up the mount! If you’d fed the Alpaca while in a raid group multiple times, you might have some catch-up to do.
But, that’s one hungry Alpaca, so you’ll eventually receive the mount - just keep at it!

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See, it’s things like this that make me want to uninstall the game and never look back.

Some people exploited the Alpaca day 1 and got it. People doing it legitimately now get nothing because we’ve been joining groups to find it. With zero indication it didn’t work.

When Hunter exploited the Blood Beast book, they changed how it was obtained so hunters who would get it legitimately didn’t feel cheated.

Well, I feel cheated now. They need to fix this. Period.

EDIT: ANd before ANOTHER person says “You should have known.” see my above replies.

  1. The Elusive Alpaca can be obtained in a raid group.
  2. When you’re in a raid group and do other quests like this, you can’t even turn it in.

There was zero indication this was the case, and it NEEDS to be fixed. The game has kept track of all the attempts we’ve done (as evidenced by an IsCompleted script), so there’s nothing stopping them from retroactively granting people credit.


You and me both. I just cancelled my sub. And it not for the fact that, ok, so I wasted 7 days feeding something that I didn’t get credit for. No, it the fact that people who exploited it, aren’t getting it removed or punished for it, while those of us who have been doing it fairly are getting slapped in the face. On top of the, I also got the mail bug, and the server lag. I’m just done.


You could always turn in quest items and thus the quest while in a raid group. You just couldn’t complete quest kill objectives, or find more quest items while in the raid (which the greens aren’t either) but any quest items you had before joining the raid remains.

This isn’t consistent with other turn-in quests.


If the quest was the sort that couldn’t be completed in a raid then you wouldn’t be able to fee the Alpaca while in a raid.


I also went ahead and used the run command to see if I’ve fed the alpaca, despite being in a raid group. It said I completed it by showing “Done.” So now not only do I not get my mount after feeding 8 greens, I have to wait until tomorrow to actually start my days over. All of that time was just wasted.

I expect nothing, and yet I am still disappointed.


I have to say, I’m not really that upset about it. After I didn’t get it on my seventh feeding yesterday, I figured something was up so I went ahead and farmed seven more greens. Plus I’ve already got the Vol’dun alpaca which I like more anyway.

But it is kind of disheartening. It seems the way to play WoW now is to find as many exploits as you can and abuse them on day one of a patch, because there’s no consequences for doing so, which is pretty lame imo.


It’s a daily quest… You have not been allowed to do daily quests in a raid group for a long time.
Yes, you can turn in dailies in a raid group but you have not ever been able to gain credit for them that way.

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what’s the Run command?


The run command is:

/run do print(format(“Friendly Alpaca: %s”, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(58879) and “\124cff00ff00Done\124r” or “\124cffff0000Not Done\124r”)) end

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So the one time I actually found him to feed him didn’t count cause we were in a raid group? F you blizz.

What else could go wrong with this patch?

The GMs must be overwhelmed at this point lol.

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Yeah, at this point I made it a joke in my guild to remember that on the first day of a new patch to exploit anything that shouldn’t be exploited as you’ll be rewarded rather then pay the consequences.


So, had I done day 7 before the hot fix I would now have the mount. But,I waited for my husband to join me. Guess what. Even though I have a screen shot that shows that achievement was completed,it is not going to count.
Wow blizz. Let us complete this quest everyday in a raid group, then on the last day do something to take it away.
GG blizz

It’s really dumb. I have no idea how many days I need to complete the daily quest. I think I found Alpaca alone maybe three times? Ughhh.

I’m surprised they didn’t mention anything about the friendly alpaca quest. I’m sure they’re busy, but this isn’t right. We all wasted our time doing in raids, so rude.

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This run command doesnt seem to work.
Do I need to do something to get this to run?
