So the focus is a bit on Thrall and Anduin... but the could story also focus again on

That is silly. Considering we player warlocks have probably ended up being more powerful then Gul’dan. It was only a matter of time before a mortal warlock(or at least a group of mortal warlocks) from super special Azeroth to become as powerful as Gul’dan if not more so.

Or he was manipulating whatever remain of this Arthas spirit. Again, “If he could find a suitable host - some hapless dupe who was torn between darkness and light - he could possess that body and escape the confines of the Frozen Throne forever.”

Give this remants some honey sweet words and then later take control when he least suspected it seems like one of his plans.

There is no evidence to suggest the Netherlord of the Black Harvest is anywhere near the height of AU Gul’dan. Summoning the likes of Archimonde in -seconds- and being the one to open the gateway is more powerful then anything that we have ever done.


We player characters master an item even Gul’dan couldnt.

Image of Gul’dan says: Let us begin. Take up the scepter and try not to kill yourself with it. It has proven… challenging to control.

Like the player character could have opened portals if he wanted to for the Legion thanks to the Scepter.

Hell Kael’thas did it with the Sunwell. And he was at best a fairly powerful(if still common) mage.

Just as a general note to OP, don’t mind the needlessly spiteful or condescending usual suspects of Story Forum. People around here begin leaking brain matter out of their noses any time Arthas is brought up in any capacity.


Only thing Arthas related they can bring back is probably Shadowmourne… wherever it is.

Blizz really did burned the rest of Arthas and the lich king stuff back in shadowlands

he was relevant 20 years ago, let the man rest

They can give dks Frostmourne transmog, as we are owed.