So the Evoker stuff is on Wowhead

I am actually really excited about these looks ngl.

They do look amazing

So do Runes.

So does energy and focus.

Checking the spells, you can make them really simple or really complex, depending which skills you talent for. IMO is good because it opens the class for various playstyles.

I mean, I know I would choose the simplest few button build, and another player could choose the more complex lots of skills build, and both would be having fun.

That is, until the first talent guides appear… :person_shrugging:

There’s too much casting. Hopefully there’s some passive effect to make some of those spells instant.

Godzilla breath abilities are always dope to me though lmao. This has me a little more excited.

Have you tried playing Destro (Before the tier shennanigans)? It’s ~ALL~ hard casting, Arcane is much the same both can be done in M+, This takes what they do and makes it less obnoxious to deal with.

I will 100% be maining one.

Yes. Demo too. All those specs are garbage.

Don’t get me wrong, I will definitely play one. Still not sure about maining.

The class looks fun at a glance. I love talent trees, it looks like you can gravitate towards red or blue magic, based on preference. Both seem to have aoe and single target things to work with.

Worryingly? I MISS Wildstar, if it ever comes back (Big if right there) then I’m definitely there dude.

I don’t, It died for good reason, It tried to cater to hardcores and look where that got them?

is it wild?

I want to like Zephyr but from a pvp perspective it seems underwhelming to me so i’m not sure if i’m missing something. I want it to break roots and provide slow immune. It doesn’t seem very “capstone” to me rn.

They can! they even get a very smooth col looking dragonriding like mechanic.

Fair! Butttt whats pulling me to main one is the mobility WHILE casting. i agree though that casting in wow can be annoying though lol.

This was my reaction to that comment too lol. I miss it too.

Well we do. What you’ve mention was one aspect of the game. I loved plenty besides that myself.

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The Preservation spells look really fun. Love the idea of flying over to a buddy to heal her, then flying back to my spot healing everyone else along the way.

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The charge-up thing is cool imo. Modern game mechanics in WoW, finally. They look more fun now that I can see them in action.

Hell, they already look more interesting than havoc demon hunters. It’s been like eight years and they’re still about as dull as they are edgy - figure that one out.

It would be a riot if a priest could also Life Grip the target at the same time. People getting yanked and dragons flying all over the battlefield to save them. Total chaos.

All I see is folks playing the dps spec and not the healing :frowning: I wanna see some Bronze magic gameplay!

Idk how comfortable I am with a dragon breathing on me to heal my wounds :face_with_monocle:

Depends on how it plays, I might raid as Healer but I’ll be doing high keys as DPS