So the Evoker stuff is on Wowhead

And oh boy are some of those spell animations hot.

Though some of them do worryingly remind me of wildstar

and healer version

Female visage form customizations


Gotta watch them quick before (assumed) alpha comes out and I’m flooded with information.

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Wow, that looks so fun, at least for PVE.


Ugh, it’s a rune class like DKs? Screw that. :face_vomiting:

This will be fun to try the healer. Been looking for something different (still not sold on dracthyr model).

Looks fun. It’s a shame some of the more archaic/bloated specs aren’t getting some of that attention (that we know of).

These look really good to me, actually.

Can’t wait to play as one :heart:


Looks really fun to play! Certainly excited to give it a shot!

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Dang it. Looks like mage 2.0.


I am giggling envisioning my trying to do the charge forward thing off the side of a cliff and going splat.

Falling and going splat is my super power.




It looks like I’ll be playing one in M+.

Flashy? Check
High mobility? Check
Lots of aoe capacity? Check
Brings an absolutely insane buff? Check
Yep I’m good.

Calling it now imo

Meta involves Evoker + combat (I refuse to say outlaw) Rogue in one way or another due to CDR

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20% aoe dr and +30% move speed in one button is wild.

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Fly With Me is hilarious.

“No, stop standing in bad, you’re coming with me.”


Kinda how I feel about it, minus the M+ part, although I am mostly leaning towards it being an alt for now…we shall see…

Yea. It’s gonna have more mobility than mage but with better defensives and utility. Probably won’t be as squishy either. It’s OG DK all over again.

Prepare for that three devastation dps slot meta

And the best part? It’s not a fire mage either, So i’m perfectly fine with that.

I picked evoker for my next main during it’s reveal on account that A dragons are cool, and B they will somehow destroy Destro (Already getting nerfed into oblivion in 2 weeks) and Ruin Arcane at the same time.

Do we know if dracthyr can actually glide, like dh? Definitely some good trolling potential with that ability.

Love all the little support abilities to hand out to the group. Things like that are fun, Blizz. More of those for all classes please!