So the Evoker stuff is on Wowhead

It appears from the video they showed that it’s the exact same, minus the double jump of course.

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I was on the fence but after seeing the abilities plus the superior animations, it’s probably gonna be my main for a while too. Guess I’ll just park my mage outside Utergarde Pinnacle to farm the blue proto during DF.

Oh nooooooo! I remember that struggle. No idea how long you’ve been playing, but I think it’s safe to assume you’ve been farming it longer than it took me. I parked a character there too, and then on day 1 of either MoP or WoD, while everybody else was off leveling and doing new stuff, I logged that character FIRST and went to try one more time before leaving to go do leveling and stuff, and it dropped. I wish my previous good fortunes upon you, and hope you nab it soon.

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Haha. Thanks. I’ve actually parked almost all my toons there ATM. I don’t play much SL now that the expac is over. So I just run characters through it now after every reset. So far got about 50? Attempts. It’s been on my to do list for a while and I figured now’s a good time since there’s not much else to do. Once I get it I’ll probably start the Argent tournament grind.

Those abilities make every talent tree so far look like garbage.

A 30 second root to all in an area?

GTFO with that.

Roar increases CC on a target already affected by a CC by 50%?

OH BGs are gonna be such a joy.

You all thought an 8 second kidney shot was bad, lol

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Evoker: So uhh hold my beer

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It’s called essence, it just builds up passively and you spend it on a few things.

It looked like there was an aoe spender and a single target spender baseline. Then some talents which also interact with it.

Reminds me more of energy than runes.

I was afraid it was going to be the case. Boy I am glad I dropped my mage lol


Evoker: That’s a nice barrier you’ve got there
Mage:… well… I guess it’s time for me to bail…


I’m most likely maining this next expac simply due to the fact it looks more in line with how I want to play a caster DPS. I would have it as my main then fuzz and the gang of course.

Gotta always have fuzz!

So… mage for scalies… in mail. Probably gunna pass on this one.

Just like monks serpent kick and torpedo.

Yes, I did that on my monk several times.:laughing:


You are welcome to pass, I’ll enjoy it.

There’s a lid for every pot.

Visage form customizations weeeeeee

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None of those faces look quite right to me.

Remember it’s ripped from files and the like they wont look proper for the flat images

For the actual models in the model creator? Yeah it’s a dragon I don’t want a perfect recreation but understandable.

Cant wait to see how it does in pvp!!!

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disgustingly well I would imagine