So... the Death Knight beginner questline is borked

Look, I don’t mean to be a jerk, but who exactly is in charge of making sure the game actually works? It’s legitimately nigh impossible to create a new DK, as their initial beginner quest is so bugged it’s going to take me nearly an hour (edit: update, I was woefully optimistic concerning it only taking an hour) just to finish a single section (killing the ballista and crusaders on the dragon). The NPCs take next to no damage and I’m getting one shot. This is clearly not intended, but is one of those actual game halting bugs for new players. Is anyone else experiencing this or does Blizzard really just not want me to play a DK?

Edit: Over an hour, I’ve managed to kill 2 ballista. I give up. I’m sure this class is awesome but it’s not worth this BS.


I just threw up a post in the bug forums. It’s been excessively difficult for months but sounds like it’s basically impossible now. Wonder if the prepatch made it worse.


This has been around for months? Seriously, who’s in charge of this stuff?


I fear this complaint is not being heard and there is no recourse we can take to have it heard.


Maybe we should blow up the twitter instead? I don’t know what will get them to fix it. You literally can’t have any new DKs unless it’s an allied race.


If you’re just itching to play a DK and not picky about which race, have you tried one of the newer Allied Races? They have a different, and way shorter, starting scenario vs the older “classic” races.

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That’s a viable work around (unfortunately none of the aforementioned races interest me for DK at the moment), I’m just really regretting the fact that I gave money to Blizzard for an expansion when sections of the base game are flat out broken. I don’t get into arguments about stats, builds, etc. because quite frankly as long as I can play and have fun it’s not that big a deal to me, but this is a multi-million dollar company that’s been around for decades and for months this section of the new player experience hasn’t even been working?


If that’s considered “viable” then Blizzard should also give us a free race change.

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Yeah, I agree it’s not ideal but I guess by ‘viable workaround’ I just meant at least people can play… that is, assuming they’re not new and haven’t unlocked the Alliance races yet. I am still relatively new myself which is why I was so blown away by this oversight, but c’est la vie. No point in whining if they clearly don’t care.

That said, if anyone else gets stuck at this point please just ping me on this thread or something and I’ll roll up a DK to come help you because that experience was absolute Tauren butt cheeks.

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Just started a DK because I wanted to play pre patch. But can’t do this quest. Guess back to Cata I go… :frowning:

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Just finished this quest in a party of three. I can’t believe something so obviously broken managed to get into released patch. Dragon has only 3k mana and each shot takes 1200 mana, so you can’t even kill single mob in one go. And the ONLY way to refill mana is to go down and eat one of the elite mobs, who can kill your dragon in a few hits. Not to say about balistas wich take around 12-15 shots(keep in mind that you can only shoot two before running out of mana) and literally one-shot your dragon and then kills your character during the parashuting phase.

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i wonder if it would be easier to just give the old race deathknights the option to go bend the knee to bolvar like the allied races do, or give them the option of beginner island instead of the classic zone. if they cant be bothered to fix the old quests.

IDK the fix this quest requires is solely mathematical - to give dragon more stats. For me it seems to way easier way than adding new quests and options for all that old races.

Never had problems with the dragon.
The sticks beating guys up for info Now that’s a pain in the butt part of the questline I dislike

This is a new problem. Sticks is simple compared to the dragon, because the dragon is basically uncompleteable.

Gunna try this later tonight. It sounds like a real problem.

Thanks for the responses, folks. I finally managed to stubbornly push through it and get to play my new blood elf death knight, and it’s probably one of my favorite tank classes now!
If anyone gets stuck during the introductory quest let us know here and maybe we can coordinate some help to get you through it.

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I ran through it about a week or 2 ago. The first time I died on the Dragon … I never die on this part … I thought it was a fluke. By the third time I figured something was wrong. You can fly around an nail each ballista but you have to hit it multiple times. You can see they don’t take much damage per attack but you can fly a pattern hitting 3 or 4 per round and will eventually get your total kills. The thing is if you die, all of the ballista’s you damaged are now full health and you have to start again. It’s doable but it did catch me off guard.

GOD damnit.

The fact that this has been an issue for quite some time - CLEARLY show that these developers could care less.

If you are a developer that is reading this - If you or your team or whomever is responsible for this cannot figure out how to solve this scaling problem, then implement a way for new death knights to stay OUT of this starting zone.

Absolutely PATHETIC

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Its not, it just take you to not make a single mistake and it takes longer than normal, a lot longer. It shouldnt be like this for a new player quest.