Bitter much? Should be happy they’re actually learning and putting those lessons to use moving forward. Yea they royally screwed up when Arathi was released — they’ve admitted as much.
I’m all for the whining about perceived slights in a fictional world because ya know, /popcorn, but this is extreme even for that.
“Having it” means you go through the portal and kill the world boss, rares, etc. while the other side queues for the Warfront, does the resource gathering, base building, kill the boss, get the loot at the end.
Alliance “got” the first warfront first. Horde “gets” it first, for this warfront. So when it releases, the Horde will go in the portal, kill the world boss, farm silvers, etc. and Alliance will queue up do the base building, etc.
Isn’t releasing a preview of this new Warfront a waste of resources, given that it works almost entirely the same as the last one? Given that Blizzard is heavy into cutting costs now, what could we have gotten instead of this?
Ermm, I’m not sure I understand you? If Blizzard is looking to cut costs, then being able to copy/paste content and do some minor superficial tweaks and call it new content would be cost effective.
Most people read from pictures, especially when it’s as beautiful as the art for that. It might just be better for previews to put the date in the picture, put coming soon, or just soon™ if a date isn’t already put out.
I don’t think they intend for it to be an upgrade because the difficulty remains the same with both arathi and darkshore. They probably are leaving the rewards down there because they want to implement those heroic warfronts with better gear. I am not sure if the warfront quest gives a better piece of gear from darkshore, it might
Currently on PTR the gear reward from Darkshore Warfront is showing as 340. Expect both Warfronts to bump up in gear level rewarded in PvE Season 2 which is showing with a January 22nd, 2019 release date for now.
Uh the Alliance IS getting it first. That’s why it’s under control of the Horde when it releases. It’s the complete opposite of Arathi. Horde controlling the zone means the Alliance will get the Warfront first this time.