So the "Blood Elf Customizations" are just 4 hair colors?

The big announcement on the roadmap was refreshed holidays. You see how disappointing that was, too.


Hey man, this very small, very under-funded indie company works REALLY hard OK?


They also got ear customizations, and several eye colors.

Belves didn’t get what those 3 races did, no. But no one else did either. Humans and orcs are the “main” races of their respective factions. And Nelves got shafted hard in BFA. So it make sense they’d get a bit extra in Shadowlands to make up for it.

But the reason Belves ended up with less new stuff in Shadowlands is because some of their new stuff got cut. And they are unlikely to ever come back.

That’s totally fair.

Being disappointed that this is all we get is totally valid too. Especially after they played it up as a big thing. But it is in line with what other races (bar Nelves) have gotten through the expansion. Expanded Forsaken customization was a bullet point in 10.1.7 too, and all that amounted to was 5 skin colors. Same with Human, Orc and Zandalari trolls. They all got a few hair colors.

That everyone else got, and still doesn’t even put us in the realm of other main races.

Everyone should have tattoos and scars especially, in a war game of all things.


This chart* puts Belves squarely in the middle of amount of customizations available to core races (and slightly above the average overall). Beating Trolls, Gnomes, Forsaken, Pandaren, and Worgen in the number department. While only being a handful behind the rest of the core races.

Not even Night Elves or Orcs are that far ahead. It’s literally only Humans that are the outliners.

*Doesn’t include any of the stuff added in DF so far.

For Female Belves.

Male Belves are still near the bottom and at the bottom for core races.


could be a farstrider as they dont use magic. but for same reason arator, the half elf son of alleria and turalyon, is just a belf copy paste with glowy eyes, so also, farstriders are magic using belf copy paste

Be happy with that. Some of us haven’t gotten anything since release. You elves will be fine.

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Male Belves are down there with allied races for lack of customization.


if i dont get some new hairstyles, i’ll go kabonkers. kabonkers, i tell ya. been using the same 9 hairstyles (i dont count bald cause everybody gets that) since bfa, well i dont use most of them. and i have many void elves. and they all have the same two hairstyles lol

Void elf and Light Forged Draenei are not core races and they got more customizations before all the others.


They are core races. They aren’t vanilla races. But they are core races. Any race that isn’t an allied race is a core race.

No they did not. Definitely not more. And definitely not before all others. Our pass came in SL with the others. It was just underwhelming.

New Character Customization

The character creation experience has been revitalized with a brand new user interface and many new character customization options to choose from. Some of the new options are selecting your eye color, new skin tones, new hairstyles and hair/fur colors.

(Patch 9.0.1)


I hope not! I at least want the void elf hair, minus the tentacles.
I am tired of the same hairstyles. A couple got added in SL and then nothing.
Blood Elves and Void Elves are nearly identical (except for turning blue) it should be an easy thing to do. Instead Blood Elves have mostly the same hair as the old humans.