So the alliance gets a Horde race?

Good cause they’re not high elves.

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It is the player who will choose what he wants to be with these RP options.


They can go ahead good thing I’m not implied to rp with alliance Rpers who have been meta gaming for years being dragons, death knights and demon hunters.

What’s wrong with any of that though?

Like its an rp…

Also I’ve seen plenty of dragons Horde-side too. lol

It’s not entertaining when people are just meta gaming the whole interaction because they’re some omnipotent demigod.

I actually think void elves are great and wish more alliance players would embrace their identities

They will, after their Alliance High Elf-needs have been satisfied. Everyone should have at least two characters of each race to have some variety.

If you say so, the majority of void elves I see are rocking the fair skin with least tentacle protruding skin

Dragons, DKs and DH’s ain’t exactly demigods.

If someone is playing them like that they’re just being foolish. In which case its entirely anyones right not to bother with that if they’re not into it.

As do I.

I don’t begrudge those who do want to play the small fraction of high elves left to the Alliance (or Neutral as it may happen). Its just rp and those stories were left round by Blizzard.

I rather like the High Elf/Blood Elf thats decided to join Alleria and her ilk to learn myself. Its just a fun story to play with.

Aside from that though I’ve two very much first round blueberry Velfs that I adore and one who was a dragon spying on them which is amusing. (I don’t treat her like a demigod though… o-O) Also considering having my one actual High Elf character (a Highvale High Elf who got tired of their never doing anything and left.) begin to lean into the Void Elves path. Again cause I rather enjoy that story line of joining them after and becoming a new void elf as time goes on.


Blizzard did Void Elves dirty. They were botched from the beginning.

If we had seen Void Elves throughout Legion, in the Priest order hall, on the Broken Isles helping us face void related threats, on Argus reconnecting with Alleria and with their own reputation… if Void Elves had been seeded into the story AT ALL rather than left to be BORN when their recruit questline had less than five minutes of content left, then maybe, just maybe, people wouldn’t be so jaded about them, and disinclined to play them as what they are.

That’s glossing over the fact that Quel’Thalas having a split for the umpteenth time, and Lor’themar, who regretted exiling the High Elves just deciding to repeat that mistake by exiling Umbric and his followers, was just as damaging to Blood Elf lore as anything else was. People argue High Elves steal from Blood Elf themes, but from where I’m standing, Blood Elves lost so much MORE from Void Elves.

The Void Elf story is an abomination, their lore is a travesty, and Blizzard has done nothing at all to correct any of this. They’re the most half-baked, ‘race,’ in the game, to the point we can’t even agree if they’re a race or just a moniker.

Players deserve better. The story deserves better. The Void Elves need SO MUCH screentime and development that it’s not even funny.

We’d have been infinitely better off if Blizzard had just added High Elves as an AR, like they should have to begin with, and then showed us a select group of elites training under Alleria, studying with her, and then giving us that as new customizations, because at that point, people would’ve been wild to play a Void Elf. BFA at least did them some justice in showing them as a legitimate power.

It’s just such a bleeding shame that’s all they have going for them.


They definitely are… death knights are undead meaning they don’t have to eat, sleep or breath, they’re stacked in saronite armor that is not only physically defensive but also shrugs off most magical attacks.

Demon hunters have runes on their skins to avoid magical damage and then are superhuman nimble.

Most dragons a lowly average soldier couldn’t solo and most dragon rp, rp as demigods .

The only silver lining with high elf RP they are very humble, the only thing I dislike about them is the xenophobia they give towards void elves and pretty much everyone else that isn’t human like they’re not also outcast

I’ll agree with this, in my opinion the void elves shouldn’t have even been blood elf outcast but silver covenant high elves transformed through a terrible accident

They actually got a lot of screen time in BFA on the horde side

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This is something else about them that bothers me.

They were only relevant fighting the Horde. This is our race of void experts, but where were they when an artificial Old God was threatening the world (Uldir), when Azshara and her Naga were rising and using void magic, when the damned Visions of N’Zoth were plaguing the entire planet? A cure for the whispers is needed for Ebonhorn, and the Void Elves had absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

It really makes the Void Elves appear as if the only reason they exist is to give the Horde something on the Alliance they can feel good about killing. “They’re traitors, AND a threat to our existence!”


True and fair enough. I think they don’t want to enrage the High Elf fans any further because they knew how much they have screwed this up in the past.

No, their reasoning is far more simple: “Silvermoon City has the sunwell, let’s give them the opposite”. It is a good concept - but all of this does not matter if you have already an established Alliance High Elf group people want to play.


I don’t understand why they the renamed the Silver Enclave and the Sunreaver Sanctuary to what they are in Legion. Yes, the SC and the Sunreavers were out aiding the class halls, but the Worgen and Undead shouldn’t have been able to rename parts of the city dedicated to the humans and elves

It’s like “you go out and aid the hunters, we’ll take care of your home, but we’re gonna name it after ourselves for a while”

“Orc”, “Dwarf”, and “Troll” are very broad terms that could encompass most of their respective subgroups.

“Void Elf” on the other hand is a specific name of a group themed around the Void. It is also the only case where an Allied Race got themes from the base race(High Elf). It kinda contradicts what set them apart in the first place

So we play a Sand Troll, okay to be called a “Troll”
We play a Wildhammer, okay to be called a “Dwarf”
We play a High elf, is it still okay to be called a “Void Elf”?

A Thalassian elf.

void elves are blood elves but not all blood elves are void elves :crazy_face:

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give the Alliance their pandas back. ;D

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You would be right but this isn’t the case here. You will realize this as well if you start to analyze the situation. Your suggested idea will come full in effect with a further developed character creator but we’re not there yet.

edit: grammar a bit

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Ion disagree’s with you, and so do the devs.

And so does the lore.