So the alliance gets a Horde race?

Well, okee doke then…here we go


They said this for so long despite Hinterlands, Dalaran, & Allerian Stronghold having High Elf populations,

then they add Void Elves as a “specialized squad” to be playable :sweat_smile:

I genuinely believe they went with Void Elves instead of High Elves in an attempt to market to edgy teens.

Backfired horribly and we got the proper cusfomizationa, WoW’s demographics are a bunch of nerdy boomers that watched LOTR too many times and they need to remember that.


Would have made more sense if they didn’t voluntarily become infused with void energy. The stuff that causes insanity and warps your perception of reality. I’m not sure how anyone would be dumb enough to invite a group of people willingly using insanity juice into their forces and cities.

A group of people who didn’t have a choice and now struggle to contain the power would’ve been more reasonable.


I see getting nightborne as an absolute win. Their story in Legion was amazing. All void elves have is either piggy-backing on blood elf lore or pretending to be high elves of Dalaran.



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With High Elves returning to the fold in Quel’thalas you mean? Where is Auric these days

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All the better if they had been allies that had never betrayed the Alliance to begin with. If the Void Elves had been the Silver Covenant, transformed by accident, it would’ve made more sense. The Alliance would’ve looked at them with sympathy.


High Elves that refused the new lifestyle of Blood Elves got exiled from Quel’thalas my guy, go read a little lol


Probably backfired because they knew they couldn’t move the VE’s 10 second lore forward without contradicitng the previous 10 seconds of the lore.


Not ignoring this but I’ll get back to you :slight_smile:

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I felt the same way when the horde got the alliance race of High Elves.

We OG Horde should have gotten Ogres instead and kept with the Horde theme, but nooo, some devs girlfriend wouldn’t play Horde without a “pretty” race…

Next thing you know we are the elf and fox faction…


Thank you. I’m genuinely curious, because if Dalaran did leave the Alliance, I’d like to be able to note that in the future, and have sources to support it.

This is also a good question. Last I checked he wasn’t at the Sunwell when Lor’themar showed it to Thalyssra and Alleria.


Well I do like the little loophole that Danuser put out tbh, he basically confirmed the High Elves / Blood Elves in Telogrus Rift are getting recruited into the Ren’dorei.

Blizz needs to just grow a pair and give us the green eyes though. Makes 0 sense to give us blue but not the green.

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Take my hand. Were off to never neverland!


Metallica confirmed as Peter Pan


No they left on their own and are welcome back to the Sunwell. I think you’re mixing up Velf and Helf lore.

No there doesn’t need to be more themes of each other. There needs to be more things to make different Thalassian elves look different. Void Elves need sonething creative of their own. Same with Belves.


I asked around and the general sentiment is this, there’s also a resources section I need to check / if I hear more I’ll get back to you again but the reason the people who take this stance do is because -

They didn’t let the Horde back in at Anduin’s command. Khadgar held a vote, which ended 4-2 in favour of the Horde being let back in. Jaina then quit in anger over the results, and Khadgar became the leader of the Kirin Tor. I don’t know if it’s ever stated that “Dalaran is now neutral”, but I don’t know that it really has to be. Both the Alliance and Horde have a presence within the city, and it’s main leader specifically is neutral, and wants the Kirin Tor to abandon factions entirely to focus on the defense of Azeroth. They sat out the fourth war in the interest of remaining neutral. Doesn’t seem like something a city that “Anduin commands” would do.

Guiding Pilgrims back to Quel’thalas such an interesting thing to do though don’t you think.

Another thing someone pointed out in a discord I’m in once was that Lanesh the Steelweaver looks like he’s wearing the Scyer Blood Elf clothes though obviously tattered, does this imply HEs in outland linking up with BE forces, what does that say about High Elves who didn’t have a choice to decide to be Blood Elves, the assumption is their Alliance but is that true post BC I wonder, if we take into consideration there’s a want to return to Quelthalas.

Is Lanesh an example of a HE returning from Outland? What about Astromancer Darnarian? Returning to … Quel’thalas.


Nah not mixing, both Helves & Velves got exiled.

When Rommath introduced his life siphoning magic to sustain the High Elves a good chunk found it inhumane and were against it.

Lor’themar didn’t want to risk civil war or rule a divided people considering how devastated Quel’thalas was at the time so he straight up exiled High Elves that didn’t follow through.

This is why the Blood Elf starter zone is filled with arcane torrent / mana tap propagander, you have the mind control/protestor NPC RP in Silvermoon, etc

I don’t know how different it is in todays timeline, but TBC launch Quel’thalas was pretty authoritarian.


Those were a small portion. There were another small portion that never left the Alliance with the King. And never returned to Quel’thalas.