So that Shaman tier set >.>

Like just wow the Shaman tier set this season is incredible imo all the Devs who like made this deserve a pay rise and if by some chance you haven’t seen it in game yet you should make a Shaman just to check it out in collections.

Like no joke actually going to give Resto Shaman an actual chance and main it for at least this season rather then my Mistweaver I love it that much >.>

Kinda curious though is there like anyone who does not like the set and why?


Best Shaman tier set ever imo


Honestly have no idea of how to see what you’re referring to. I looked at my shaman, looked at gear it doesn’t have, didn’t see anything that could be what you were referring to.


Is this some weird ang where you’re saying it’s a bad set?

Posting for reference


Better ingame actually animated and not static

No, genuinely had no idea what you were referring to. I don’t LFR or raid, so I ignore the tier sets since I will never get tier. I don’t have a clue on what they are or look like, though I see someone kindly posted the reference, so now I know. :slight_smile:

You can get tier by converting both dungeon and open world gear.

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This Shaman tier set is the kind of armor you’d see on the character creation screen of one of those JRPG or KRPG MMOs to show off the fantasy of the class you’re picking.

Honestly this should replace the one they’re using for shamans in WoWs character select.

Don’t need to raid or lfr to get tier sets you can use the catalyst to turn world gear into tier just an fyi

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I thought you needed sparks or something for that and you need to do dungeons to get them? Or am I mistaken? It’s why I’ve ignored that whole thing.

What do you even do ingame?

It looks cool but not really THE BEST for Enhancement

I just want you to know, every time I see your name, I think of the word “didgeridoo” and I think that’s special. If you were to ever name change, that’s my vote. Just saying. :man_shrugging:

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Funny because people look at and say the most cockamamie stuff.

Here’s a short list:


I’ve heard those OUTLOUD

The name was a random name from EverQuest on a character my mom used, it’s sort of a tribute to her


D’aww! Well don’t ever name change then! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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She ain’t dead, just love my mom lol.

Also it’s an RP name heh

Wait, what!!! Ive been gone a while whe ive been trying to catch up. That is insane

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At the cost of Warrior, Druid, and Paladin sets being dirt.

Definitely farning it on my Shaman.


My usual main is a shaman. Set looks like doodoo tbh.