So Sylvanas does die according to dev interview

I mean, if the goal here is essentially finally give Sylvanas the escape from her torment of Undeath she’s wanted for ages … it is a angle at least. Its just a weird feeling that the very same sort of prospective “out” this splitsoul situation might provide, also sort of erases in many ways the character that out is being written for. The Sylvanas that we all know, that the Horde knows, that the Forsaken know, the Banshee Queen … would be consumed to at best shove her sins and memories onto a very innocent Ranger General (who hasn’t been relevant in the Franchise since her death)? A character we’ve never really known. I dunno how to feel about it?


I doubt (though hope) she’ll stay dead. This “split soul” sounds like a cop-out the writers are using to have their cake and eat it too. Appease the pro-Sylvanas fans with a piece of Sylvanas, and the anti-Sylvanas fans with the destruction of the “evil” part of her. It’s also going work as well as we think it will.

I personally think a better fate for Sylvanas is either a non-high-ranking permanent afterlife job, just throw her into whatever is Warcraft’s hell after we’ve been through the Shadowlands and have nothing to do with her ever again or a long stay in Revendreth.

Just wait until after SL. Blizz writers don’t care about anything, Sylvanas would only have to say “Sorry for saying that mean thing” and she’s back to the Horde… or not even that.

The Horde didn’t even care about her killing Saurfang, just like they didn’t care about genocide and sending innocents into torture and oblivion.
They only cared about her saying that the Horde is nothing, and I’m willing to die on this hill that Sylvanas will return to the Horde as if nothing ever happened. Especially with Tyrande having forgiven her out of literally every single character in the game.

There is not a chance that the game won’t be all about Sylvanas in the future, just like it has been in the last 2 expansions.

An alternative would be the writers letting the genocidal sylvanas go to heaven, because apparently she didn’t do anything wrong… but then it would be harder for them to make more expansions all about her.

She’s even getting an entire book to whitewash her actions… I wonder how the burning of Teldrassil, and torturing childeen into oblivion will be portrayed as a good thing. Just because Sylvanas did it.


At this rate, Sylvanas will come back, defeat Yrel’s group with a left hook then the Void lords and Azshara with a right hook. Then Elune will stand up, take notice… and quit her job, giving it to Sylvanas who clearly deserves it so much more (!). Then Sylvanas will awaken the titan Azeroth, adopt her as a daughter, take Illidan from the Seat of the Pantheon and marry him… then they’ll spend the rest of their days sitting on a mountain of gold while every other character lines up to kiss their feet/hooves.

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You believe anything the devs have to say?

That would be Nathanos, who I’m willing to bet is coming back through some bs writing too

Ion kinda already told us he’d come back, and do you seriously think Danuser would allow Nathanos to not be in the story anymore? This is all just temporary and I can see all the BS coming.

Good point. Addendum: “…take Illidan form the Seat of the Pantheon, bring Nathanos back to life and marry them both,”

Wow some of you all are so salty I dunno how you are not mummified.

The Devs sometimes make some super questionable choices with their writing, but I think as a bare minimum Sylvanas isn’t coming back to the Horde. They very intentionally and deliberately burnt that bridge in the most blunt manner possible.


It’s funny, that cinematic is what gave me reason to believe that Sylvanas was going to eventually come back to the Horde. Otherwise why bother? Why have her run away at the peak of her success on the verge of mass death in a prolonged siege?

Then they’f have to keep her as a neutral hero if they want to make more expansions about her.

We very well know that Sylvanas won’t be punished and won’t leave the story, so either she returns to the Horde or she becomes like a neutral mary sue.
Guess it makes sense with Tyrande having forgiven her too, right

They are even rewriting the Burning of Teldrassil which was literally a holocaust like event in a 300 pages book just to make it seem justified.
Like how far can you go? Everything is okay if Sylvanas did it, so it’s okay if she literally burns children alive, tortures their souls and obliterates them?

Well, I believe the line of thought was that she accidentally let slip her actual thoughts she had been repressing actually saying, when Saurfang got in an unexpected hit… so once she realized the jig was up she basically had a good cathartic scream and told the Horde they were a bunch of slobbering morons that mean nothing and then went “screw you guys, I’m going home” and team rocket’d away.

A quirk of Sylvanas they really played up over much of BFA is how when she gets angry she becomes irrational and does rash, often vindictive things.


Again it’s funny, after her “I trusted you” comment I took her outburst at Saurfang’s wounding her as a genuine feeling of hurt and betrayal, her knowledge of what awaited us in the Shadowlands (which we as players did not know about at the time) justified her opinion that the Horde and Alliance were nothing.

Different interpretations of the same events. /shrug

You know… there are days I legitimately wonder why you still play WoW. You seem to only be depressed and pessimistic about everything to do with the game. Perhaps you should take up another hobby.


I’m not pessimistic. After seeing how the resolution for Teldrassil actually had so many more negatives than positives, you can easily predict the future of the story.

Just take whatever is the most insulting towards Night Elves and you are always spot on.

Sylvanas well help us defeat the Jailer, steal his power, and then go after the Arbiter, at which point we’ll stop her and she’ll be locked away in the Maw. She’ll be free of death, able to do as she pleased with an entire realm of her own, but forever be trapped. I will bet two whole copper that this is what will happen, in some form.

  • It allows her to redeem herself to an extent.
  • It allows us to defeat her.
  • It takes her out of the story for ‘good’.
  • It’s an ironic punishment.
  • It’s ambiguous enough that we can argue about her forever and the writers can pat themselves on the back for making such a controversial ending.

Mark my words, this is what will happen. Anything else will have been a last minute change.


I think we just see them very differently.

I dont think the aftermath of the WoT or the entire forth war has totally played out just yet. MMORPG storytelling moves at a glacial pace, and we cannot really see what is going on back on Azeroth right now. The devs seem to have an actual goal and path in mind for them, up to an including Elune actually talking to us for once and presumably explaining why she didn’t intervene in a big way back in the WoT. And, Tyrande is seemingly even retaining the Night Warrior’s power just… without the “you will explode” part because Elune accepts her as an Avatar.

It is possible you are right, but I think it is pessimistic and premature to just… presume it will be the worst possible outcome.

The Kaldorei I see as survivors. They have dealt with far worse cataclysms in their history; the Sundering was a way worse catastrophe and they weathered it. The battle for Hyjal and sacrifice of so many Kaldorei ancestors resulting in torching Mount Hyjal was a pretty huge disaster for them as well. They always bounce back, eventually.


Eh they would’ve had to convince me that they can write other things than losses and tragedy for night elves.

  • Their souls? Obliterated after they were tortured
  • Elune? Not even a goddess and part of a pantheon equal to the Winter Queen
  • Justice? Never achieved, given up on it, Sylvanas and the Horde get away
  • The Night Warrior? Portrayed as weak, loses to Sylvanas in Ardenweald
  • Their lands? Forever gone, either in Horde hands like Ashenvale or destroyed like Hyjal
  • Their remaining few people? On the streets of stormwind to perish

That was the resolution for Teldrassil, the only thing that hasn’t happened yet is Tyrande dying. But I guess her chances of surviving are higher now that she forgave Sylvanas.

Out of the things listed above, the souls being obliterated infuriates me by far the most, not only because Sylvanas gets away with it, but also because they were souls of innocents and children that were already burned alive and tortured.
And now I’m expecting a book that will even further glorify this whole event just so that Sylvanas doesn’t look bad.

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So, I guess I will just go down this and touch on each one:

  • Their souls? Most were rescued. WoW is very bad at showing scale, and you are not the only Maw walker. There are a number who are all also doing the same things.
  • Elune? What did you think the pantheons were? They are the deities of the WoW cosmos, and the most powerful beings that exist (save the First Ones, who do not seem to even be alive anymore). Elune is still strange and unique in her actions. She isn’t the “one true goddess” anymore no, but that is something we all should have seen coming as they began to expand out the Lore.
  • Justice? How do you even define Justice? Killing everyone involved? The Horde has been driven out of their lands. There is a saying that I feel applies here: Living well is the best revenge.
  • The Night Warrior? She does not loose to Sylvanas, the Context clues we have are that after Sylvanas nearly kills us at the climax of the battle for Ardenweald, Tyrande arrives and Sylvanas flees from her after some sort of combat exchange.
  • Their lands? Hyjal is restored at this point, and we do not know the status of Ashenvale.
  • Their remaining few people? The Kaldorei canonically have returned back to Hyjal, which is now their new base of operations.

Also where do you get Tyrande forgave Sylvanas? She just isn’t a monomaniacal lunatic out for revenge at any cost now. Go ask Captain Ahab how that works out for you.

Spoiler: You die.

So… yeah.


I agree with most of your points but you know Blizzard’s dropped the ball with this one. Justice was targeted at the direct agent of Teldrassil, Sylvanas, even if they let the Horde slip away. Why is justice portrayed as wrong? And why should justice and regrowth be mutually exclusive? Justice doesn’t have to be revenge, but at the very least there must be a need to see the perpetrators kept in check.
Taking from Kyoshi from the ATLA series, “Only justice will bring peace”.

she is a corpse right now