So SL isn't friendly to people who play multiple specs/classes?

It’ll be an improvement over azerite respeccing unless your goal is to be hyper competitive in multiple areas of content.

The alternative is worse – You will be carrying literally dozens of Conduit gems, slotting 2-5 every time you swap for your content of choice. Then swapping based on dungeons, arena comps, raid role, etc.

It’s better to pick a ST and AOE build using 2 Soulbinds. From those 2, figure out which one you want for your primary loadout and secondary loadout.

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Just call it the 1% Tax. Sort of like the Hybrid tax.

If you won’t even bother looking at the beta to see how something plays out, I don’t know what to tell you.

People who have spent their entire life’s work on this stuff professionally (I’m talking about those who are far more skilled and talented at this sort of thing than what even Blizzard has) can’t know with absolute certainly how something will play out unless they see it play out in a real world demonstration.

But it’s good to see Billy the Taurean just had it already figured out.

By what metric? Are we judging it based on a particular patch? The short term success? The long term? Replayability? “Fair” is relative.

I agree entirely, which is why covenants should not affect gameplay at all. Make covenant abilities a new talent row or two. Make all legendaries be obtainable no matter what covenant you pick. The exclusive lore/story/aesthetic is more than enough to drive the importance of covenants.

I want to be loyal to one covenant. Allowing them to be easily swappable makes them worthless imo. While at the same time, them locking you into gameplay that may or may not be fun is bad for players.


Shadowlands isn’t friendly to anyone, - not to hardcores, not to casuals, and not to anyone in between.


It is? Most of the players who started because of the pandemic left shortly afterwards. Right now there’s mostly raid loggers in classic. And if you read the forums rather than go by a dated press release, you’d realize there are a whole lot of problems resulting from hasty inauthentic changes that the devs have made.

I left it up to you to tell me if you thought it was a success, or at least ready to be judged, by your own terms. You dodged the question instead.

I love seeing these threads. Theyrr always so full of misinformation and fear about what people think is going to happen. Always get a good laugh.

Well you’re asking two different questions here. But based on what you said before, to quote you specifically, you asked whether or not I agree with if it’s not fair to judge and expansion until the next one.

I did not understand what you meant but I’ll give a plain answer.

No, I do not agree. I think people are free to judge their initial experience through an expansion and give a more credible answer by the time we get x.2 or something. That gives them time to let these systems marinate a bit.

Also, if we are talking about something more comprehensive, then it is impossible to judge the entirety of an expansion unless you lived through it all. If you stopped at 8.2, for instance, you would have no way of knowing about corruptions and how they impact the game. Whereas if you did, you would be able to asses whether or not 8.3 has a net positive or a net negative experience for you.

But if you stopped playing prematurely, your opinion holds very little credibility simply because you are talking about things that are at that point beyond your depth.

To give an example of what I mean by this, it would be like me starting threads about how toxic Mythic+ is despite never having participated in a single mythic+ dungeon at all. You’d have to wonder how I can give a credible opinion of something I simply haven’t participated in.

Legion was pretty alt friendly because of bad luck protection. Of course you wouldint always get the right legendary but you would get one eventually

More like bfa 2.1 mix of legion and bfa systems. Like big system cluster mess.

because they cant. They are just echo chambering / regurgitating what popular wow bootubers are crying about

This is exactly what concerns me I play both dh specs but this new system sounds a thousand times worse then getting two sets of azerite


More like Legions with your weapon.

I disagree. The best information we will have is in the month after the expansion has been implemented, unannounced changes and all. After a month, will people be having fun? That’s what I care about. There is no reason to buy any and every videogame in order to form an opinion, since everything has been said shortly after people start playing it.

I would’ve just had been fine if the covenant abilities replaced other abilities per class/spec aesthetically and more varied for it’s uses.

I’ve wanted unique spell effects and animations like other classes have gotten too. however, I guess it would feel bad after the xpac to never use them again.

I really prefer alt friendliness and class fantasy, for using all specs in my class, if they don’t fix the conduits I’d be pretty bummed.

I think that’s ludicrous but we will have to disagree. I don’t see how you can judge potential content that doesn’t exist yet.

Most games don’t have a subscription monetization where the game is continually updated indefinitely. I think it’s more accurate to look at each patch as a specific tier of content and you can judge each patch accordingly. Each patch changes the game to an extent where in some extreme cases, they’re almost like individual baby expansions all on their own that happen to re-use the same outdoor content.

I mean, when was the last time you did an island?

When was the last time you did Uldir?

I haven’t done an island in ages. It’s about the worst way to get azerite. And since I leveled up my first character in November, I never ran Uldir. It was already abandoned content by the time I reached BfA.

I see no reason to buy the expansion if people aren’t having fun. If I need to make my own fun, I’ll either do it in old content, in some other game, or in real life.

A lot of people unsub now until after flight is released, people who would never have considered becoming serial unsubscribers until devs made it a more appealing choice than waiting a year to find out when flight will be released.