So since we're giving people pathfinders for free

Not something I usually go out of my way to do but I’d like to speak my mind to the wow community, and this is the most easily accessible platform.

Apparently, Draenor and Legion pathfinders are no longer required for flying in the zones they were previously required for in shadowlands. Yay, great, that’s a positive change, nobody likes pathfinder achievements, I’m all for it. On top of that, I believe allied race rep requirements are being removed next expansion, which I’m more or less indifferent about.

However. I, and many others, spent many many many many hours grinding that content out to unlock those rewards. Now, I in no way expect to be compensated for doing this, as a matter of fact I think realistically these changes are healthy for the game, however, I’d like to open the door a bit wider on this, considering I don’t believe prior to this year anyone foresaw pathfinders being removed.

Find a way to re-introduce MoP and WoD challenge mode dungeons and rewards

I know what you’re saying, “B-but I spent tons of time in [Insert expansion] doing [insert activity] to grind that out!” But that exact same argument can be used with allied races and pathfinder, and to a lesser extent items on the BMAH.

I think that implementing MoP and WoD challenge mode dungeons would be the first step in solving what I consider this games biggest issue, the removal of content. I’m only talking exclusively about cosmetics in this thread, but game systems fall into this category as well. With timewalking scaling, I see no reason challenge mode dungeons from previous expansions can’t be re-implemented as an activity either to be done regularly or only during the timewalking weeks for their expansions.

My reasoning behind this is actually because I recently got one of my friends into WoW (he’s loving it btw), and I can tell that every time he says “Oh wow, how do I get that piece of armor that looks cool!?” or “Mannn, that guys weapon is really neat, where the hell do I get that?” (or anything like that) and I respond with “Can’t get it anymore.” he gets frustrated.

I had never really thought about that before, but I think he’s a part of a group that an enormous amount of players are in, in where they’re actively willing to do the things to get the items they want, but they physically cannot because it has been stripped from the game for sometimes arbitrary reasons (why is Molten Core anniversary event not active every year for returning players, another example).

On top of that, think about the hours of content you’re putting back into the game for absolutely no effort outside of figuring out the scaling for it.

Food for thought, I understand this would be unpopular for the people that actively pushed challenge dungeons when it was current, but frankly, I don’t really think the cons of pissing off people that are already always mad outweigh the positives of re implementing these dungeons, and other content like it. I’ll leave a small list below.

Old Naxxramas (This one I’m not as sure about, but maybe justify it because BMAH T3 sets can be worn by anyone of that armor type, so the old ones could be locked like normal? Use a timewalking NPC like in silithus/uldum to change the zone to have Naxx floating above)
WoW Anniversary Events
MoP Challenge mode dungeons and rewards
WoD Challenge mode dungeons and rewards
Mage Tower (Most asked for probably)


I mean. You get a mount. People that don’t do pathfinder won’t have that mount.


I don’t see why they can’t leave the achievement in the game so you can get the mount anyway? Lol

I’ll take didnt read the post for 200 alex

@OP I’m woth you man. More content is always good

Not to sound too puffed-up about it, but I actually did see this coming. I assumed when Draenor Pathfinder went live that they’d maintain the Pathfinder requirement for flight until two expansions had passed.

I did expect them to do it on a progressive basis and not all at once though, so I guess they got me on that one.

I thought this was what they were doing? Just decoupling flight from the achievement. Is it not? Are they making it a Feat of Strength or something?

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I thought this was what they were doing? Just decoupling flight from the achievement. Is it not? Are they making it a Feat of Strength or something?

Who knows, you can still build mage tower but can’t actually use it how it was intended lol, I could see them removing the mount altogether

Did. Just think it’s kind of a silly thing for op to be upset about.

Granted I am tired so there’s that

You have to complete the part 1 cheevos for both to get the mount and speed boost for broken isles . You just don’t need it to fly .

Geeze it’s like people don’t know how to read.

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Bruh, so because people are getting something you had to work for. You want to get what others had to work for in exchange…

I went ahead and checked to be sure.

The achievements will remain in place as before, and Draenor Pathfinder will still be the way to earn the Soaring Skyterror mount, while Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part One will continue to reward increased mount speed in the Broken Isles.

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They are doing this.

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“They” knows, because that’s exactly what they posted.

“The achievement and rewards will stay if you do Pathfinder, but it will no longer be necessary for flying”.

Come back on a main and try again, don’t hide behind a level 17 alt on the containment server

He’s not upset about it he’s using it as justification to get challenge modes lol


This is neither a valid argument nor a valid dismissal of an argument.


Which is silly and clearly shows they’re just trying to manipulate events that will not happen.

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Seconded, +1ed, and so on.

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So why shouldn’t they be re-implemented, can you convince me? Going to ignore that manipulation comment, if thats how you feel me arguing isn’t going to change that.

I’m not real worried about them removing the pathfinder for those xpacs because in all honesty they are old content that most probably won’t do anyway.

But I agree I’d like to see some of the old content return. For instance they legendary quests, if you didn’t do them when they were current then do that zone (whether newer player or alt) your missing a chunk of content so why not put it back? I mean its not like the cloak is any use at this point other than a transmog option so why not? It would also solve that nasty little issue of not being able to do all of the Timeless Isle (I forget the guys name but you need the cloak to get to him). I mean more content is always a good thing so why not open some old stuff back up and allow people to get older items.

And for context, I’ve ground out every freakin’ pathfinder since it was established so yeah, that’s a lot of time I’ve put in to open flying, to unlock races, etc. but who cares if they removed those conditions for things when its pretty old content at this point? Certainly not me.